2p America~ Just Another Doll (part 2)

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Thursday 14th of May

As you lay on your comforting (f/c) bed sheets you frowned, thinking about the large problem at hand...nothing had changed.

No body found, no missing persons report, no difference in behaviour from Allen; nor anyone else. You sighed and looked out the window at the dark clouds looming overhead on this particularly overcast day. Your eyes fluttered closed, only to quickly snap back open as images from earlier that week flashed in your mind, making you briefly relive the experience.

You had tried to convince yourself multiple times that maybe he didn't actually die, that he just got taken to hospital and never filed for assault. Then you remembered that moment when you saw the life disappear from that man's eyes, so his body became an empty, lifeless shell of his past existence.
The time had come to tell the police. You, at first, didn't want get involved. Partially because you thought things would get sorted on their own and partially because you really didn't want Allen as an enemy. You may end up like that guy. You also didn't want to tell anyone like your family and friends because they would just worry that you had been traumatised, which you kind of had but that was beside the point.

Friday 15th of May~morning

'No offence to him, but I've never really thought Al to be that smart.' You thought as you solemnly walked to the hell that was called 'school'. On this particular morning you hadn't picked up your iPod or headphones due to your  bad time keeping which led to you being late, which both made you annoyed at yourself and also gave you time to think. Your train of thought continued,'but if he can hide a body and clean up a crime scene before anybody notices he must at least have some intelligence.'
You had decided to go to the local police station tomorrow and tell them what you knew. You may have possessed no evidence to back up your claim, but you hoped that it could help, or at least allow you to get your anxieties of your chest. You had decided to head there tomorrow because your parents would be away for the weekend.

"Hey there doll." Terror bolted through you like lightning at the sudden voice of a certain bad boy and the arm that had been draped over your shoulder. You had been avoiding him like the plague for the past few days.
"So you're late as well? I guess we can walk together." He said to you casually and carried on walking, his arm still on your shoulders. It felt like to you that his muscular arm was snake, weighing down upon you, making you anxious, it almost felt like he wanted you to feel intimidated.
"Aw doll, you're no fun this morning! No need to look so nervous. It's just me...babe." His eyes were dark and sinister, now it definitely felt like his arm was a boa constrictor, suffocating you. You pushed him away from you and walked on without a word. If he was trying to scare or intimidate you, you hated to admit it, he did a damn good job of it.
To an on looker, it may have looked like the tall male was teasing you or trying to make a move on you and you were just being coy or tsundere.
But it had a much darker meaning to you.

'He knows I know...he must' you couldn't concentrate in any of your other classes, you barely spoke a word to anyone that morning; you were too  busy worrying.

Friday 15th of May~mid-day/lunch time

"Hey (y/n)...are you okay?" A friend of yours asked with concern. You really weren't in the mood for talking with what felt like the weight of the world on your back.
"Um, y-yeah. Just tired. I'm just going to get something from my locker by the way, I'll catch up with you later." You replied, barely able to fake a smile. Your friend didn't believe you by any means but didn't want to push you for answers.
"Alright then. See ya." They replied, giving a warm smile which you tried to return but failed.

You needed to take some time away from others, just to clear your mind a little. You walked slowly down a corridor that was seemingly empty, scuffing your feet along the smooth floor as you went. A voice could soon be heard.
"Matt, you don't understand!" A voice was kind of whisper shouting. You carried on walking, assuming it was just a domestic between a couple of friends, plus you were going to carry on straight and the talking was coming from a turn off to the left.
"He deserves to die! The bastard needs to have a fat bitch slap from karma!" (*haha I just imagined Karma from assassination classroom slapping some random guy and just being like 'what you gonna do bout it bitch' xD...sorry for ruining the moment...I'll get out)
You stopped dead in your tracks.
'No no no no no no! This is the last thing I need right now!' You thought, panic once again setting in.
"*sigh* Calm down Al or I'll have to knock some sense into you with my hockey stick, eh. You know I will." An agitated Canadian accent and the sound of a hockey stick tapping against the floor could be heard. You recognised the voice, he was some guy in your year that hardly ever came in to school and when he did he wouldn't really say much. Everyone noticed him though when he did attend due to his rugged good looks, intimidating aura, his trademark plaid shirt that he always seemed to wear over his school uniform and his worn looking hockey stick that he carried around.
"Al, I've had enough of dealing with your shit." You were still frozen in place, too scared to think of a way out, almost too scared to breath.
"Don't worry it's all fine now, the dead guy is sorted! Chill!" Allen said hurriedly, you could almost picture him looking around nervously.
"Al...you do know that non of those words should go together. Especially dead guy and chill." Matt seemed to talk bluntly and nonchalantly about the situation. "I mean I've done some damage to bastards that have done me wrong  before but never gone that far."
*bang* the sound of a fist hitting an innocent locker (*r.i.p locker-chan...ok, ok I'm actually leaving this time...)
"Everybody...everybody in this fucking town..." Al seemed to mumble, frustration boiling over. What had gotten him so worked up so quickly?

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