2p America~Just Another Doll (Part 3)

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A/N- hello all so this is my first update of 2016 *party poppers* yayyyyyy.
It's already March and there hasn't be an update in like 4 months I hear you say....uhhhh yeahhh
Just read the story...
"Well we need to have a little chat, doll" his voice was both serious and patronising.
The hand that was over you mouth moved so he was gripping your jaw. With a crack, he popped your jaw back in to position. A shrill screech escaped you, but you were past the point of caring about how much of a mess you looked underneath him.
"Fuck me you're annoying." He said with a frown. "If you hadn't overreacted so much this could have been much easier for the both of us."
You gave him a look of absolute disbelief.
"I OVERACTED?" You were now going to use your new freeness of speech to give him a piece of your mind.
"So you don't call breaking in to my freaking house, dislocating my jaw and pinning me to the floor overreacting?! You are paying for that door by the way. How did you even know where I lived? HAVE YOU BEEN STALKING ME?"
He pushed back his hair in irritation and sighed.
"See, annoying af. No I haven't been stalking you...I may have collected some intel on you and, and your you know house, but...you know." You seemed to have caught him off guard with the stalker comment.

"But like I said, we need to talk and I'm sure you know what it's about." He gave you a sarcastic smile while you looked up at him nervously. The talk that you never wanted to happen, or at least were scared of, was happening.
There was a small moment of silence.
"Who was he?" You asked sheepishly.
"That's none of your business bitch!" He squeezed you wrists tighter.
"Ahh calm down Allen. I'm sorry." You were a bit shocked at his reaction but you just decided at this point it was best to remain calm and cooperate.
"...so you were the one that saw..." He muttered. You nodded, well as best as you could in your position.
"I heard footsteps...that was kind of what brought me back to my senses, probably because the panic set in. I looked around the corner to see you running away." As he spoke he looked away from you, almost in shame. You wanted to pity him, think that he just did it in blind rage...but then you thought of his face, that sickly sinister smile that he had on his face as he beat that guy to a pulp, the way he had been talking to Matt earlier about possibly killing again...remembering those things installed fear in to you once again, almost as fresh as that horribly bloody day earlier in the week.

He looked back at you.
"Doll, I might be wrong but is that fear in your eyes?" There it was again, that sadistic smile. He chuckled to himself.
"Babe you know way too much. Far too much for your own good." He leaned in closer. "And you know I realllly care about you doll." Those sickeningly sweet and obviously fake words made you internally heave.
"I don't appreciate the patronising labels like 'doll' and 'babe', save them for your sluts" (*oohhhh sick burns)
"I can call you what I want, doll" he retaliated, looking annoyed at your comment. You on the other hand were on another level of annoyed, in fact fuming at his piggish words.

"So what now hmm? You going to kill me? Am I next on the hit list?" Fuck being cooperative, fire as much sass (within limits so doesn't actually murder you) at him as possible.
He released a low chuckle. His face was still in close proximity to yours, so you felt his warm breath hit your skin. You had never been this close to him before and never wanted to be, but you did notice something that you hadn't noticed.
He had a tongue piercing. Damn that was hot.
"Well that depends on how things go." His serious voice brought you out of you daze of...totally not thinking about how his tongue piercing made him annoyingly more attractive.
You gulped.
Yup back to just trying to keep him happy with that underhanded threat out there.
"Did you hear me and my brother talking today?" You cocked your head with a questioning look.
"Matt. Matt's my brother, well half brother, that's a long story." Allen explained.
"Ohhh" you replied. I mean it kind of made sense, but if he hadn't told you wouldn't have guessed, due to many differences in the pair such as there difference in skin and hair colour and their accents.

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