It's Writer-chan?

315 7 20

Um hi?
New phone who dis?
Lol literally

I know that there is a lot less of an interest I this story now than there was a few years ago, but that's ok. We'll get in to that. But first there's a few things to unpack.

'Dude where ya been? Back from hiatus? That was a lie'

Basically I wrote most of the most recently published America chapter in 2017, when I said I was coming back from my little hiatus. I wrote everything on a tablet and had all my plans and drafts in the notes of my tablet.
I saved the mostly done draft in to wattpad (which I am so happy I did, but equally, forgot that I did it 😅). I think I carried on writing in my notes...

Then It died. Like not just battery; fully died and I was so pissssed.  I lost all motivation and gave up...literally. I thought, 'I have enough to worry about right now aka essays and assignments for college, screw it.'

I know it's a bad excuse but I lost a lot of my story plan, especially for the Nordic boys. I'll also get on to that in a moment.

'But like what's been going on with you?"

My grandad got cancer. (He's in the clear now which is such a relief, because he's basically like my stand in dad). My actual dad disagrees with my life choices and chooses to not support me; says he loves me and then disrepects and bullies me...that's been rough.

I got a crush for the first time in a long time. As soon as I got the feels, he got a girlfriend.

Did a special effects makeup course, with all the blud. That was sick.

Made some amazing, wonderful, beautiful friends.

Got a crappy job (but I get free coffee and food).

Got a kitten! I called her Rouge, she's got a half black face, glad ginger face. She's sweet.

There's probably more.

I'd really like to hear from you guys? How're thing for you at the moment/how have they been in the past? How're you doing?

'PLS UpDAte 2p NORdics!'

Ummmm, I made a mistake. I had some basic direction for their story, some ideas. Some stuff I wrote down. I don't remember any of it.

I am not saying it will never get an update but it will not be any time soon. Hopefully it will be worth it when it comes out tho, because SPOILER I would like to do alternate endings, as in a separate one for each boy. GASP I've said too much.

Is that something you would like?

'How's that writers block been?'

A bitch. When I want to write, I write. When I don't, I can't. Sometimes I can't control when I do and don't want to.

Sorry x


I use a word I a couple of chapters of this book.
R-tard. A word I do not use or condone the use of. I added it in when I was writing a few years ago because it was a bad word that I didn't like or use. (I actually don't swear in real life lololol). I was using it for affect and shock, such as Alfed uses it to address Oliver, this was to show what the 1p countries think of the 2p. It's a little extreme and I noticed it the comments some people were upset to hear Alfred say that. But in this book the good guys (the og hetalia cast), are kind of the antagonists. You are supposed to be routing for the 2p charecters.

Did that make sense? It's late.

But I apologise if I offended you.

Now the ultimate question....
Does anyone care? Should I just end the updates on this book (after the next Allen chapter because  i am almost finished working on it haha)? Does anyone actually want this anymore, because things have changed since I published that first (cringy) Oliver chapter? Please let me know.

And if you do want this, then please tell me, and thanks :) maybe share it around a bit
Anyway thanks for sticking around. And hi new readers, I know there are a few of you out there.

Laters love
Take the ghost of my love life 👻👻👻👻👻

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