2p America~ Just Another Doll~ (Part 4)

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Welcome to the 4th (official, the ??? chapter I'm not including in the numbering of chapters, even though it was a fairly important chapter) chapter of Allen and your story together. :3
Btw it's late and I may have made some editing mistakes. Pls forgive me...
Saturday 16th May

You stood sipping your cup of coffee/tea/hot orange juice idk (*whatever your favourite hot drink is), looking at your broken door leaning on the doorframe. You had tried propping it up it so the door looked like it was still fully attached, but a strong gust of wind had ruined your attempts. You let out a long sigh of contempt and ran a hand through your hair in anguish.
You may have slept surprisingly well last night but you felt exhausted; mentally drained from the night's events. Allen's late night visit just added on to the strain on you from the hellish week that had proceeded. It felt like this situation was slowly tearing away at you sanity.

At that moment the house phone rang, making your whole body flinch. You hesitated and then headed over to pick it up.
"Hello?" You said cautiously. To your surprise the voice of you next door neighbour burst through the phone. You exchanged some casual pleasantries and then they moved on to their reason for calling.
"Did something happen in your house last night, I thought I heard a loud noise in the night?" Your breath hitched. "I just wanted to check up on you since I know your parents are out of town this weekend..."
Your neighbour hadn't lived next to you for that long and you didn't really know the family, but the whole community of your town was fairly tight knit and everybody knew everybody's business, which could be good and reassuring in some cases...but just not for you right now.
"Well..." You started, "um...actually something weird happened last night..." Which noise did they hear? When Allen smashed though the door, or when you two were basically wrestling each other, or maybe they even meant your shouts and screams?
"What, really?!" They asked, concerned.
"Um yeah...I thought I heard something in the garden so I opened our back door and it kind of fell off the wall?" You didn't mean to state it as a question but that's just how it came out of your mouth. "It kind of banged against the floor and made a loud snapping noise. Do you think that could have been the sound you heard?" Describing the made up door incident reminded you of the terror as you saw Allen broke in last night, the feeling in your chest as he beat your door down.
"Oh wow! Yes, yes it must have been! I'm sorry I should have gotten one of my sons to come and check on you." They fretted. "What if that noise you heard was someone in your garden, I swear I saw a shadowy figure last night..." They said thoughtfully.
"Oh I'm fine really you don't need to worry I just don't know what to do about this door." You were really hoping for some suggestions so that you didn't have to worry about getting robbed whilst you were out with Allen today...well you never knew what might happen with Al, but at least you didn't want your house to get robbed.
"I can have my oldest son come around in about 10-15 minutes and take a look at it if you would like? He's a helpful boy." She sounded so proud of this mysterious son. You'd never actually met the children of the house next door yet, the parents were a similar age or maybe slightly older than your own and they both seemed to have conversations on the street outside your house, over the garden fence and any other mundane locations when they ran in to each other, they somehow just always had something to talk about. You had started to think the kids of the couple were something of a myth; they didn't go to your school and you never heard or saw anything that would give away the they were below the age of 10, such as toys or hearing any childish bickering.
"Oh I don't want to cause any nuisance" you replied, something Allen had forgot to mention when he dramatically exited last night was what time he would come and pick you up this morning.
It was coming up to 10am and you had been up and awake for just over an hour and you were completely ready for if he showed up any time from now. You really wished that you had only just pulled your sleepy ass out of bed or better yet, if you were still in dreamland and not having to deal with all the crap that made up your life currently, but you had set an alarm for yourself in fear that an impatient Al would show up at 9:30 and catch you looking like shit in your pyjamas AGAIN but this time in broad daylight...much more terrifying than when only in partial light.
But you also didn't want this boy to come over and the town asshole to show up banging at your door, calling you doll. What would this dude think of you?
"Oh don't worry lovely, he hasn't got anything else to do this morning before he heads off to football practice anyway." She said with an airy laugh. "Remember we're next door if you need anything else, your (parents/parent), they're wonderful and would do the same for us." With that she hung up the phone.
'They'd do the same for us...hmmm I dunno man.' you snickered to yourself.

2p Hetalia x Reader- Dangerous LoveWhere stories live. Discover now