You Really Think So?

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We rush out of the building and head toward the docks. I grab my father's hand and we run together as fast as we can.

Once we get to the Jolly Rodger, we slump down on the steps and catch our breath.

"Lass, are you alright? Did she hurt you?" He begins asking questions.

"yeah," I smile assuringly, "I'm good. Thank you ... for saving me."

He smiles, "You're my daughter. It was the right thing to do."

There was a silence, besides the sound of us catching our breath.

He breaks it by saying, "What did Cora tell you?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"I mean... Did she say anything about me... Anything that might make you think differently of me."

I swallow, still breathing a little heavy. I eventually say, "All she said was you've killed before. Innocent people. She called you a villain... But you know what? I don't belive her. I don't look at you any different than I have before."

He sighs and looks down at the floor. "Well you probably should believe her. I am a villain-"

"No you're not. A villain wouldn't save me. A villain wouldn't look at me with those doughy eyes of yours," I smile at that and he does too, laughing a bit. "I believe you're a hero, dad."

He smiles and looks back at me, "You really think I can be?"

"Yeah, I do."

Emma's point of view

I rush up the stairs of the library, going up into the clock. I came up here because I heard a lot of commotion when I was walking down the the street. I look around the room and see Cora out cold and a chair laying at her side.

"What the hell?" I whisper. I pick up my phone and dial for Neal and tell him to come as soon as possible.

He's been staying around for a while, we got back not too long ago. Neal didn't give me too much crap about staying because he did want to see Henry anyway, he just has a little problem with his dad, that's about it so far.

Neal comes bardging in a little while later and says, "What the hell?"

"I know right," I mumble more to myself than him.

"Well what do we do?" He asks.

"I guess we bring her in the sheriff"s office? I don't know... she's really powerful she'll just get back out again."

He sighs and says, "Here, help me get her."

I walk over to Cora and help by picking up her legs while Neal got her head. We carry her outside and a few blocks down the road to the station. Thank god no one was outside so there were no questions asked. We lay her down in the bunk in the cell and slump into the chairs. We tried catching our breath from carrying her all that way.

"Now it's time to find out what the hell is going on around here," I say.


hey guys, long time no write.... I know I haven't been on in... well ... forever but I honestly don't even know what's going on in the story anymore so I'm basically winging it... I hope it's falling into place but I have to keep going back and re-reading it to understand it.

Anyway, I'll try my best to get this done so I don't have to worry about it too much but... yeah....

Check out my other stories if you'd like! I have some I actually finished too so you don't have to wait on lazy old me. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2015 ⏰

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