Change Of Plans

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"Should we free him?" Emma asks, looking into the cage.

"Really? You're going to free him after I told you he was a weapon of Cora's?" My father replies.

"We've beaten her before," she says, matter-of-factly.

He shrugs and raises his eyebrows. "He did like you most," he smirks, pointing to the man.

What? So they knew him, but what was their past? How did he betray her?

Emma pulls out her gun and shoots the lock, breaking it. She opens the cage to a startled man. My father turned slowly, walking out of view. He obviously had a "complicated past" like he had with pretty much everyone in this town.

"You?" The man asks in a low voice.

"Hey, you okay? What happened?" Emma asks sweetly.

"That witch, she shrunk me. Where is she?" He asks, looking around nervously.

"Don't worry, she's not here," Emma says. I watch as she looks around for my father. He was sneaking off the ship. I wasn't entirely sure if he was trying to dodge the man or all of us. Emma didn't seem to care at the moment and helped the man.

Suddenly, the man Emma introduced me to at the hospital, David, showed up at the docks. "Emma? Are you- Hook! What are you doing here, where's Emma!"

The man suddenly turns to the noise and a murderous look took over his face. He leaped from the ship and came between Hook and David.

"You!" He shouts at Davids face.


The man swings his arm at David, making him fly backwards. My father took this as a moment of escape and ran. I quickly ran off the ship and followed him. When I turn around, I see Emma trying to talk sense into the man while he tries to hurt David. I felt bad for just leaving even though I didn't particularly know David. But I had to stay with my father.

We stop in an alley way to catch our breaths. "Who was that guy in the cage? Did you two know him in the Enchanted Forest or something?" I ask once I could breathe steady.

He looks at me like it should be none of my business. I didn't look away from him and he finally stands up straight.

"It's a long story but I'll keep it short. Emma and I climbed a beanstalk to get the enchanted compass that was needed to travel realms, preferably Storybrooke. That is a giant that was at the top of the beanstalk."

I look down and think for a moment, "How did you betray her?" I finally ask.

He raises an eyebrow, "betray her? Lass, I think you have your facts wrong. She left me on that beanstalk. I only did what was convenient to me, which was join Cora."

I look away, astonished. So he didn't technically betray her. "Why did she leave you?" I ask.

"Let's just say she has trust issues."

"Oh," was all I could say.

Emma's point of view

"Please stop!" I yell at Anton.

"Why should I!"

"Because this isn't who you think it is!" I say, hoping I was right.

David got up, holding his side in pain as Anton turns to me.

"What do you mean?" Anton asks, still angered.

"My name is David," David says, slowly standing up staight. Anton turns around to face him and see what he had to say. "You must be mistaking me for my twin brother. He's gone now."

I could tell Anton was relaxing but he was still angered.

"Come on," I speak up after a moment of silence, "Let's go get you something to eat."

Kassidy's point of view

"So you were running away because you were afraid of that giant- er- man recognizing you?" I ask as we make our way to an empty alley way.

"I wouldn't call it running away, it's more along the lines of trying to prevent physical and verbal violence."

"Why does he hate you?"

He stops and turns to me, "Quite a lot of questions, lass. Care to let me inform you on a different occasion? Right now I have some.. business to attend to," He says, turning back around.

I close my mouth and stay where I was. He takes another step forward and reaches in his leather jacket, pulling out a queen of hearts card. He places it on the ground and turns around as if he were looking for something. Suddenly Regina appeared and it seemed to dissapoint my father.

"Ah, Regina, didn't expect to see you here."

"Right, were you expecting my mother? The one you were supposed to kill."

My father nods and smirks.

"You better be glad we made up and are now working together," Regina says.

"See, I wouldn't want to deprive you of happy reunion."

"Very funny, now what do you want."

"Cora's weapon didn't exactly go to plan," My father begins, "The giant had one good look at the prince and pounced but Emma convinced him he wasn't who he thought he was."

Regina looks down with a hardened look on her face.

"And what's even worse is Emma knows where the ship is, and who wants to bet she's going to tell everyone else in this bloody town."

Regina sighs.

"At least you will be the one to tell Cora, and not me," He smiles and Regina scowls.

She sighs again and finally says, "Well he will still cause a small distraction. No thanks to you, Hook."

"Hey!" He whines.

And with that she was gone.


sorry this chapter was pretty bad. I'm trying my best to get off the normal plot of the show but it's difficult. I'm twisting it around a bit and next chapter will be different, I promise. :)

Thanks for reading!

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