The Secret Weapon

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The next day, I come back to the hospital to see if my father was getting any better.

I step in the room and he was asleep, of course. I sit next to him on the chair and not much later, he woke up.

"Kassidy? What are you doing here?"

"Checking up on you.. How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Better knowing I did some quality damage to my foe."

I nod. "Cora came by the ship last night," I say suddenly.

"Oh did she?" He says like he didn't care.

"Yeah, she told me to tell you about a secret weapon she has on your ship."

"And what's that?"

"I don't know. She only told me to tell you it was in the box that's covered by a blanket."

"Well that surly helps," he grunts, moving a bit.

"Sorry, she wouldn't tell me anything else," I sigh.

He raises his eyebrows and looks away, "Well I don't want to be here any longer so why don't we get the hell out of here," he says, siting up from the bed.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" I say.

"Why wouldn't it be, I'm fine," he says while he unhooks everything.

He gets his clothes and hook and puts them back on. I follow him out the door, into the chilly air. He was obviously hurting because he had his hand on his ribs and he was limping badly.

We finally make it to the ship and he stops at the box and slowly lifts the sheet.

His eyes widens and I come closer to see inside.

"Bloody hell," he whispers to himself.

"What? Who is that?" I ask, staring at a man dressed in old clothes that people only wear in the Enchanted Forest.

"The giant from the beanstalk... What the hell does Cora want with him?" He thinks aloud.

There was a silence and he drops the sheet to rub his chin in thought.

"Can I ask you something?" I ask after another silence.

"What is it, lass?"

"This Milah woman.. Did you take her from The Dark One? Is that why you two hate each other, that he killed her after you took her?"

"Now who told you that?" He raises an eyebrow while stepping closer to me.

I feel my heart begin to pound faster after I realize how touchy the subject was.

"Someone.. But is it true?"

"No. I didn't steal Milah. She chose to come to me rather than stay with that coward," he spits.

"So that's why he killed her? Because she left him?"

He loses eye contact with me and nods his head.

"I-I'm sorry.." I stutter, not knowing what to say.

"What about your mother? Who was she?"

I open my mouth to reply, but nothing comes out.

"She was just.. A simple bar winch that you took a particular interest in," I answer finally.

He nods again and awkwardly shuffles. "Who told you I was your father?"

"By her.. At first everyone thought it was crazy, you know, her getting pregnant by the one and only Captain Hook. It almost seemed too good to be true to her. Thing is, we look just alike. Deep sea blue eyes, dark hair, skin and natural attachment to the sea. It was just obvious after a while..."

He looks down and bites his lip and bit.

"I'm sorry.. I've been doubting you," he says finally. "It just seems a bit odd."

"What does? Having a daughter?"

"Yes.. Also, you didn't come at the most appropriate timing."

"Oh.. Sorry.. I had no where else to go, my mother died so I traveled the world only to find you busy trying to get back at an enemy."

He hangs his head and I stand there fumbling with my fingers. It was an awkward silence and I just couldn't get my way out of it.

Suddenly we see Emma walking down the docks looking around. I look up at my father who was just staring at her with a small smirk.

"Hook! Hook, I know you're here, and I know your ship is cloaked somehow so come out!" Emma shouts, not even looking in the right direction.

"What do you say, lass, should we let her aboard?" He smirks down on me.

"Well, that's blowing our cover for no reason," I say.

He sighs, "well then, if anyone asks, she forced me."

He started walking toward the steps. I stand by the edge of the ship and watch. My father waits until Emma is completely turned around, then he steps out into the open before she could see where he came from.

"What is it, love?" He says, scaring Emma half to death.

She quickly turns and gives him and unamused look.

"So your ship is right here then?" She asks tilting her head in my direction.

"Hm.. Possibly, but why would you care?" He smirks.

Emma rolls her eyes and says, "because you may have something that will lead us to Cora."

Hook sighs, "and what makes you think I'll let you on my ship?"

With that, Emma pulls out a gun and clicks it back. His mouth stays slightly agape, his tongue plays with his lip as he looks down at the loaded gun.

"This is why," Emma says.

"Alright, right this way," he says, walking up the steps with Emma following.

They make it up and Emma starts looking around until she met eye contact with me. "Kassidy?"


Her mouth opens but closes, not knowing what to say.

"Well if you want to have a clue to what Cora is up to, then I suggest we move over here," he points his hook in the direction of the cage, "Cora's weapon of choice."

Emma looks at him then at the cage and makes her way to it. I follow them until I reach the steps. She stops to lift up the sheet and her mouth drops when she sees who's inside.

"Is that..?" She whispers.

"Indeed. Our little friend is back," he finished.

"But how?"

"Cora shrunk him into traveling size to use him for whatever reason."

"Oh I think you know," she says, dropping the sheet back into place and looking him straight in the eye.

"Why don't you torture it out of me?" He smirks, "I'm sure it'll be fun for the both of us," he whispers the last part.

Emma rolls her eyes and looks back at the cage.


Sorry this really sucks, I'm trying my best to get the story going and it's taking several chapters to do that haha

I'm starting to change it up a bit and if you didn't notice, Kassidy is going to try to turn her father good and stop him from killing Gold.

If you are wondering about Greg and Tamara, I'm going to put them in here at some point.. I'm thinking about doing Emma's point of view next chapter so I give a better view on what's happening with the Greg thing and stuff.

But just to warn you, I'm starting to get off the actual plot so I might just write random stuff I came up with that fits.

Thanks for reading!

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