Well This is Awkward

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My eyes slowly creak open after feeling a cool drip of sea water on my cheek. I roll over and see I was in my "bedroom" on my fathers ship.

I finally get the strength to sit up and I rub my head, trying to remember the night before.

It wasn't coming to me so I decided to shake it of and just go see what's happening on deck.

As I step outside, I gasp when I realize we weren't in Storybrooke. The place looked crowded and big.

"Dad!" I begin to shout. "Killian!"

He doesn't answer.

I quickly jump off the ship, onto the docks, and run. I don't know where, but somewhere other than the Jolly Rodger. I must find him before he does something he will regret. Because I know for sure, he's here for Rumpelstiltskin.

*Emma's point of view

I can't believe I found him.


I can't believe he's Gold's son.

Why.. I just don't want to believe it.

He left me so long ago and now he's back. I just don't know what to think of it. Now he wants to just come back in and be a father figure to Henry?

This is too much.

But I can't deal with that now while Gold still doesn't know about us.

We walk into the entrance of the apartments and stop while Neal and Henry goes up to unlock the door.

"You know Bae don't you?" Gold suddenly asks.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded.

"well it's obvious. How do you know each other?"

I began to get nervous. I dont know why but this was a touchy subject in my book. Do I lie? Or just straight up say it?

Oh just Henry's father, no biggy.

He kept his eyes locked on me and I opened my mouth to speak but was cut off to Gold being shoved backwards. He hit the gate and slid down to the floor with a panicked look on his face.

I look up to see none other than Hook.

He raises his hook and thrust it down but it was stopped when Kassidy grabbed his arm.

*Kassidy's point of view

I quickly grab my father's arm before he could kill Rumpelstiltskin.

"Dad no! Stop!" I shout, pulling him back. He looks at me with an astonished yet angered look.

"Kassidy, what are you doing here?" He shouts more than asks.

"Stopping you from killing someone! It isn't right!"

I look over at Emma who was helping Rumpelstiltskin to his feet.

"What's going on?" A strange man says as he runs down the steps, a boy, a little younger than me, follows.

He runs through the gate and it slams shut behind him. He walks until he stops in front of Rumpelstiltskin, the boy stops in front of Emma. My father and I stand across from them, me in front of him.

"Hook?" The man finally says after the awkward silence.

"Baelfire? Is that you?" My father asks in a quiet whisper.

"Wait you know each other?" Emma asks.

"What are you doing? What's going on? Who's she?" 'Baelfire' asks, looking back in forth between everyone, ignoring Emma's question.

"Who are you?" I shoot back at him.

"Hook, seriously what's going on?" Emma asks in a demanding tone. "What are you doing here?"

I hear my father grunt, obviously annoyed by all the questions.

"Kassidy, why did you come here?" He asks me in a low tone so that no one else could hear.

"Trying to stop you from doing something you'll regret," I whisper back.

He gives me a slight death glare then looks up at the rest of the people. It was silent again.

I sigh and look up at Baelfire and say quickly, "my dad was trying to kill yours but I didn't want it to so I came here and stopped him. Now who the bloody hell are you?" I ask a little more angrily than I expected.

"My name is Neal. That's my father," he says pointing to the man my father tried to kill.


"Wait, you're a father?" He quickly says, looking up at my father.

He looks down as if he wasn't ready for this conversation.

"Well what about him?" I ask, trying to get everything soaked in.

"That's Henry.. My son," Neal says a little hesitantly.

"Your son?" Rumpelstiltskin shouts.

Emma had a worried look on her face along with Henry's surprised look.

"What?" Everyone practically said in unison except Emma and Neal.

"Well this is awkward," I say.


Hey guys sorry this took sooo long. My laptop broke and I had to write this on my phone.

It may take longer for me to write now since it's broken but I'll try to write on my phone and stuff to keep y'all updated.

Thanks for reading!

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