Maybe You're Right

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It took a while for everyone to know what was going on, especially me.

Turns out, Neal is Henry's father while Emma is Henry's mother. Rumpelstiltskin is Neal's father and my father stole his wife, aka, Neal's mother before she died.

I was instantly stunned to learn this because I realized we were all practically related, either blood or just known from the past.

But even though the essentials were to know who everyone was, there was still a problem.. Everyone there was an enemy of my father in someway. Whether they wanted to kill him or just make him leave.

I quickly grab my father's hand and dash out the door.

"Hey!" I hear Emma's voice from behind us as we run down the sidewalk.

I don't look back until we make it to the ship. We quickly untie it from the dock and sail away. We were both out of breath when we collapse on the deck.

"So..." I breathe heavily, "Milah is Neal's mother? You stole her?"

He sighs angrily, "tell me something, lass. If a woman comes to you and... Begs you to take her away.. Is that theft?"

There was a silence and I finally said, "point taken."

He chuckles and sits up too start steering the ship.

"Are you not mad I stopped you from killing Rumpelstiltskin?"

"Oh.. That.. See I'm not sure. I feel like I should but I don't. It's strange. But maybe..." He pauses. "Maybe you're right, Kassidy. Maybe revenge isn't the answer."

My eyes widen and I sit up to look him in the eyes. He was serious. I can't believe he was serious.

"You're serious?" I ask.

"...I believe so."

I jump up and run to him, hugging him until he finally loosens up and hugs back.

*Emma's point of view

"Hey!" I yell, chasing after Hook and Kassidy. I give up when they vanish around the corner of a building.

Once I catch my breath, I turn around to the apartment.

"Why didn't you tell me this?" Gold says between gritted teeth as I walk in the room. I assume he was talking about Neal and I.

"Because we just found out and we didn't know how you would take it," Neal answers.

"What about Hook?" Neal asks, "why was he trying to kill you?"

Gold sighs and looks at the floor.

I could tell this was touchy and he didn't want to answer so I decided to change the subject and get an answer I wanted. "Wait, how do you know Hook?"

"He took care of me at one point a long time ago. It's a long story," he sighs, trying to avoid eye contact.

There was an awkward silence. I was sick of all the questions and I wasn't letting anymore come up for today, so I lead everyone up to Neal's apartment.

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