Killian? Jones?

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The ride was awkward. The woman, who told me her name was Emma, was very silent. It felt like she heard of me before. Maybe she was the one Ruby was talking to over the phone.

"Where are we.. going exactly?" I asked after a few more awkward minutes.

"I am taking you to the sheriffs department. I need to.. ask you a few things and that's the safest place to go." She was so serious. It made me nervous. What would she need to ask me about?

We eventually pulled up to the sheriffs department. It was a small place but old looking and only had two cells next to each other.

Emma walked me to a desolate room in the back where one of those mirrors you could only see through on one side was at. I watched myself in the reflection and I looked scared, but I wasn't sure why I would be.

Emma took a seat across from me and gave me a soft smile. She must have noticed my discomfort because she said, "You're not in trouble, Kassidy, I just wanted a safe place to talk."

I nodded and gave a short smile.

"So," She began, "How did you get here?"

"I drove."

"In what?"

"A- uh- Car.. 1967 Chevy."

She nodded. "Why did you come here?"

"To find my father."

"And who is that?" She scooted a little closer in her seat and gave me an intrigued expression.

"His name is Killian Jones. I know you probably wouldn't believe me if I told you, but he is from a different land. Nothing like this."

"Oh I believe you," she smiled.

"So you know him? And where he is from?" I got a bit excited.

"Well I know of him. Not much about him. To be honest, he isn't a man to be.. trusted."

"I don't care," I got a little offended. I had a feeling she wasn't going to help me find him.

She nodded and did her closed mouth smile again. I could tell it was fake.

"You've met him haven't you?" I asked after noticing her changed in expressions.

"Yes, I met him. He betrayed us."

I shook my head, "No. Not him."

"I'm sorry but yes. He did. He can't be trusted, Kassidy. I don't think it's a good idea to go looking for him right now."

"I have a feeling he had a good reason for betraying you." I mumbled loud enough for her to hear. Her smile vanished and I could see something on her face that wasn't sadness but it wasn't anger. I wasn't sure what it was.

"I'm going to find him. And I'm going to prove you wrong. He's a good man. I know he is and even if he might not be at the moment, I can change him."

She nodded but I knew she didn't believe me. Frustration took over me and I stood up, shoving the chair out from under me, and stomped out of the room. She didn't follow me.

I made my way down the vacant road again. There were more people walking around now, mostly because it was later in the evening and they probably had places to be.

I was trying to make my way back to the diner so that I could get some sleep. Just as I turned the corner, I felt something ram into me at such powerful force, I stumbled backwards. I look up to see a woman with short black hair and dark red lipstick. She had an obvious scar on the top of her lip and something about her gave me the creeps.

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