Town Line Incident

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I woke up to feel the damp air once again. It didn't bother me, of course, but I heard a conversation going on in the room next door. I quietly step out into the hall and sneak to the door. I lean my back to the wall so I could listen in.

".. He needs that to find his son," I hear a woman saying.

"What makes you think his son wants to be found," My father replies, "Doing that boy a favor."

"Have you not hurt Rumple enough.."

Rumple? The dark one?

"Oh.. now i've hurt him.." My father says.

"You stole his wife!"

I imediately stiffen. My heart stopped beating. Wife? He stole someones wife? Could it be my mother they're talking about?

"Tell me something, love, If a women comes to you and begs for you to take her away, is that theft?" He whispers loud enough for me to hear.

"Then why did she leave him?"

"Because he was a coward. And because she loved me."

I had enough. I quickly made my way to the deck and sat on the steps with my head in my hands. I sit there, thinking, until I hear footsteps coming toward me. I jump and run behind a pole, hiding out of sight.

"How- how did you-" the women stutters at my fathers appearance.

"Oh I know this ship like the back of my- well you know," he says, motioning to his hook. "I suggest you give that back to me now," He says, pointing to a... scarf..?

"Or what." I jump at the sudden voice that comes from behind my father. He turns and a flash of surprise shows on his face but is covered with a smirk.

"Ah you look different in this world, crocodile," He says, "Just like the coward I met so long ago- limp and all."

"Yet, you still can't kill me-" The "crocodile" takes a step forward.

"What magic are you going to hide behind today?" My father says, obviously trying to anger him.

"Oh no not magic-" he laughs before swinging his cane at my father. He repeatedly hits him while the women tries to get him to stop. I felt like jumping up and running to stop him but I could tell my father wanted him to get angry. I wasn't sure why, but he did. I knew he could handle it. After a lot of pursuation, he stopped and left with the scarf. My father was left lying there, beaten and bleeding.

When they were out of sight, I ran up to him and he sat up, grunting as he did so.

"Are you okay? Who was that?" I ask quickly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" he breathes heavily.

"I slept here last night," I say harshly, angry that he forgot, "I woke up to you talking to that women, who are they?" I ask again.

"The dark one, and Belle, his love."

"Oh.. Why were you talking to them?"

"The Dark One killed my love and I was trying to stop him from leaving the town line without losing his memory. But now I know another way to get my revenge,"  a smile grows on his face.


"Belle. I hurt Belle, I hurt his heart," He chuckles to himself and gets up, walking off the ship. I follow him but he stops and turns to me asking, "What are you doing?"

"coming with you." I say sternly.

He stands there for a moment and thinks. "Very well. But do me a favor, lass, and run down and grab the gun in the storage room."

I nod and obey. When I return, he stuffs the gun in his belt and we walk toward the town line.


We stop and my father raises the gun as Belle leans in to kiss the dark one. The sound erupts and hurts my ears for a mere second. Everything goes by fast. He shot her. She goes down. Over the town line and a shimer of blue floods her skin as her memories leave her body.

I could see the Dark One's heart break before my eyes and it actually hurt me to watch.

"Well go ahead crocodile, do your worst!" my father shouts.

"Oh I intend to," The Dark One spits.

suddely lights appear from behind him. I freeze as I watch as the car runs into my father, full speed.

"Dad!" I scream. He tumbles over until he is unconscious in the mud. I run to his side and immedietally hear sirens coming down the road. As a police car appears along with an ambulance, Emma and a few others come from the car.

"Kassidy?" Emma walks over to me and my father, "What happened?"

oohh cliff hanger! I might update again tomorrow if I don't have writer's block haha. Again, if you have any ideas, please share!

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