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A/n- thank u all so much for reading so quickly! Appreciate it a lot and I'm trying to update as fast as I can. Also if there are any Marvel fans here, have you seen the new No Way Home trailer? it looks so good!! Can't wait! :)

A month later,

"Jeremiah! Are you okay?" I rush into the room as I see his eye, black and blue.


"No your not. Who did this?" I ask, examining the big bruise on his face.

"A lot of people. Everyone hates me." He says.

"You didn't kill that many people.."

"I kind of did."

"..yeah kind of.." I say.

"Listen, I'm fine. It's not that big of a deal, plus your here now so I'm a lot better." He smiles and I hug him.

"Good." I say and we lay on his bed and cuddle.

"I've noticed something." I say.

"What's that?" He asks.

"Your face is getting less pale every time I see you."

"Really?" He asks excitedly.

"Mhm! Sometimes you can't really see it, but it's changing back."

"That's.. good."

"Good? That's great." I smile.

"Well I guess but I'm still going to be here." He says.

"I know, but you'll be released quicker if not in the next year even."

"Yes, I really hope the police see that."

"I'm sure they will." I reply.

"Times up!" The guard knocks on the door.

I stand up and kiss him.

"See you later." I wave.

Well, I know where I'm going next.

I arrive at the police station.

"Jim? Harvey?" I call out.

"Yeah?" Two choices call out.

"Do you know the way Jeremiah went crazy because of the insanity gas.. well what if it wore off?" I ask.

"Wore off?" Harvey asks, not believing anything.

"Yes." I simply reply.

"Y/n, I don't think that's possible." Jim says.

"I think it is. Jeremiah is perfectly sane and is getting less paler." I say.

They both look at each other.

"How would you know?" Harvey's asks

They told me not to visit him.

"I.. uh.. he sent me a letter!" I say.

"Have you visited him?" Jim asks.

I nod my head.

"Y/n!" Jim sighs.

"I'm sorry, but what do you expect? You did tell me where he is.." I say.

"So it's my fault?"

"No- that's not what I meant. I'm saying that I know where he is why wouldn't I visit him??"

Jim nods. "Yes, sorry.. Please don't do it again, Harvey we got to go. See you later, Y/n." Jim and Harvey leave.

The words "don't do it again" replay in my head.

Should i do it again..? I mean, they never even answered my question.

The next day,

I think about not going, then end up back at the asylum.

"Hello, darling." Jeremiah greets me.

"Hello!" I say.

"So, you seemed a bit lost yesterday, everything okay?"

"Yes I'm fine, but the police know I've been visiting you. In fact, I should even be here right now.." I reply.

"What? Oh no, I don't want you to go. I love you please stay with-" he starts to panic.

"Jeremiah, it's okay! Im still going to visit you. And what kind of a thing is that to say, I'll always stay with you."

"Okay.. thank you.." he calms back down again.

The whole time I was there, he seemed on edge.

"Are you alright?" I ask noticing it.

"Yes... no.. Y/n, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?"

"Well, you know the way the bridges blew....Well.. I know who did it." He says.

I stand up.


"Me.." he replies, his voice very soft.

"What.. no, no you didn't.." I say.

"I did. I'm so sorry." He tries to hold my hand and I snatch it away.

"Why?" I ask.

"Well, I had a deal with Ra's Al Ghul and I d-" he stops as I start to back up.

"Y/n, you said you wouldn't leave. You said you'd always stay." He says.

"How can you expect me to get over this? You ruined my future. Gotham future. Our future!"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, please just don't leave me. Please." He says, crying.

I look at him for a moment before grabbing the door handle.

At this point, he's on his knees sobbing. "Please." Is all he says.

I open the door and leave.

What the fuck..

I glance back as the guard is just about to shut the door. Jeremiah is literally balling his eyes out.

Jesus, I didn't expect him to be like that...

I can't believe he blew the bridges. I've been  stuck in Gotham for so long now. It's his fault.
I thought we would be happy together but I don't think I can look at him anymore without thinking that he is... he is a monster

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