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"There he is!" he shouts, pointing in our direction.

My heart jumps in my chest as I kick into action. I grab George's wrist and drag him across the field. We head diagonally toward the forest to get around the man. I hear people crashing through the woods and the field behind us.

"Clay!" George yells at me.

"Just run!" I shout back, not wanting to talk.

We enter the grove of trees and start dodging fallen logs and branches. George's wrist slips from my grasp as I stumble and hit the ground with a thud. I can hear multiple guards' clunking armor as they chase us through the forest. There's got to be at least five or six of them at the sound of it.

George yells my name again and he grabs at my arm to help me up. I get onto my feet again and this time George grabs a hold of my wrist. He leads me through the forest, dodging trees, branches, and logs. We make it to a familiar area of the woods and I can see our house up ahead. The guards are right on our tail.

"Come on!" He yells, running faster.

I'm breathing heavily, heart racing and pounding in my head. All I can hear is my thumping heart and my heavy breathing. The guards behind me emerge from the woods as we make the stretch to the house. George makes it to the door and swings it open. I collapse in after him and spill the bow and backpack onto the kitchen floor, along with myself. Hugh looks up from his chair and notices the terrified look on our faces.

He gets up from his chair quickly and steps outside. The guards are making their way to the door and he exits the house, most likely to confront them.

George is at my side, grabbing my arm. "Clay, are you alright?" There's a pause as he scans me. All I can hear is the blood rushing through my brain as I heavily inhale and exhale.

"Oh no, Clay. Your leg."

I look down and notice my pants are ripped. I must've been caught by a branch or a bush. My calf is cut, scraped and bleeding. A trail of blood has made it's way into my boots. George rips my pants more before rushing to grab first aid. He comes back with alcohol and a cloth.

"This is going to hurt," he informs with a shaking voice. He covers the cloth in the liquid and dabs it across my wound. I clench my teeth to avoid yelling. Instead I whimper. I hear the guards arguing with Hugh, muffled yelling and commands. I tip my head back and shout as George adds more alcohol.

"Stop," I yell at him. "It hurts... stop." My eyes have glazed over with tears from the pain.

"I know," he grabs my hand that's clenched in a fist. "I have to clean it or it will get infected. I'm almost done." He puts it back onto my wound.

I groan and hit my fist on the floor, head tilting back, teeth clenched. A tear runs down my cheek.

"I'm done, Clay. I'm done. I just have to wrap it. Hold on, okay?" His voice is shaky.

I nod my head as more tears leak down my cheeks. I have never felt this much pain. There was one time I fell off my horse and broke my arm when I was younger, but the nurses just gave me something to sleep and that was it. I never had to deal with the pain while they fixed me up.

My breath comes in and out shakily as George wraps my leg. I tilt my head up to look at him and he is focused on wrapping my leg. I reach out and grab his pants leg. He stops and looks at me.

"Don't let them take me," I mutter.

The guards are at the door. I can hear them. Hugh is yelling at them to get off his property, but they won't do it. I can hear him saying something about a warrant. They retort with something about the king.

"I won't," George mumbles back, returning to his task.

I blink heavily. George's face turns blurry. I blink again, but this time my eyes don't open again.

* * *

I wake up in George's bed. I feel cold. My eyelids are heavy. I open them with much effort. I'm in here alone. I can hear small chatter coming from downstairs so I pull the covers off and examine the bandage on my leg. It's white and covers two-thirds of my calf. I stand up and feel fine walking on it. I slowly make my way down the stairs, lightly limping.

George and Hugh are sitting at the table eating. It looks to be about mid-afternoon. George notices my presence and gets up from his chair.

"Clay," he walks towards me, relief flooding his voice and features. "Are you alright?"

He wraps me in a tight hug as I nod my head into his shoulder. Memories of what happened flood my mind and I can feel a tear run down my cheek. I nuzzle into George's shoulder, too scared to let go. I don't know why, but I don't want him to see me crying. Instead I let his warmth calm me down.


I sigh into his shirt. "Yeah?"

"You're okay..." He pulls away and looks up at my tear stained face. His words just make the tears faster.

I nod my head. George's countenance holds sympathy. I look into his dark chocolate eyes and he gazes back.

"Umm... what happened to the guards?" I mumble, walking over to where Hugh is seated at the table. I take a seat next to him.

"I told them off. They were convinced you were the prince for some reason. They aren't allowed to come back unless they have my permission and permission from the king. And they will never have my permission."

Guilt settles in my stomach. I was supposed to tell them. I was supposed to leave, but I couldn't. I got attached to living in this fantasy world where I can make treats during the day and read books with George at night, cuddling into his arms until I'm swallowed in pure bliss. But I didn't say anything. And now they are having to lie for me, and protect me from the very thing I was terrified of. Was it worth it? To lie to the kindest people I've ever met? How long could I keep up this act?

I sigh and George looks over at me, grabbing my arm.

"What?" He asks, concern still written across his features.

"I..." I look into his eyes, "I need to tell you something."

Thanks for reading! Left you on a cliffhanger, whoops. Don't worry. Next chapter will be out before you know it! :D

1165 words

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