05 | a bit suspicious

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It was 7 in the morning and I knew it was time to go to college. I could hear my brother stomping around the house probably half asleep. I got up and turned off the alarm getting my outfit for the day, I was quite happy knowing I had a friend to meet with at college and we could eat lunch together. I jumped at the chance to go in the bathroom before Seungwoo and I did. I was rushing just in case I was late since I didn't check the time so I was moving like a cheetah.
I could hear Seungwoo outside of the bathroom screaming for me to come out.
I shouted back at him.
I really couldn't care less about what he was talking about and I just slammed the door open on his face for him to them shove me out of the way and hobble with half a shirt on.
I just left breakfast and didn't bother to say bye to Seungwoo and I just left without a word. I was too tired to walk but I didn't want to be in a car with my annoying and loud brother so I just had to deal with it, anyway the college isn't even too far and I like watching the sunrise whilst walking.

I got up to the gates and moved my bag onto the other side of my arm because my other was getting tired and starting to hurt. The college is quite big but luckily I have a timetable and know where I'm going (sort of) I took textiles and biology for when I was in high school and I still love it to this day, luckily, they were what I was studying on. English is also my other favourite and what I'm working on but I tend to forget about it a lot. I saw a figure running up to me and was no other than Jinsoul, I was happy to see her and she seemed to be happy to see me. We talked until we got to our classes, she had drama and I had textiles so we both went our separate ways after. When I sat in my seat, we got out our fabrics and started to turn on the sewing machines. Our project this year was anything we wanted and I decided to make a coat. It would be nothing fancy just a red and white coat with some shiny crystal jewels on it, I wanted to make a coat considering it being cold outside and also I saw a bag that could match with it in a window of a shop. While getting my materials I randomly thought of the coincidence that a happened a day earlier with my brother's friend. His sister. 𝐶ℎ𝑢𝑢.
I was thinking in dept about it but tried to brush it off as a coincidence.
"I'm sure theirs loads of people called Chuu...right?" I thought to myself, but no matter how much I thought about it I couldn't forget and just kept on thinking and thin-


I wasn't looking at what I where my fingers where and cut myself on the machine causing my finger to bleed.
It was a deep cut and the teacher told me to go and clean it so I did. I ran down the halls until I got to the bathroom and started to turn the tap on to wash my finger. I ran my finger under the cold tap and waited for it to clean out until I noticed out of the corner of my eye a bathroom stall was open but had someone in it. I don't think the person realised that I was even in here considering the door wasn't locked and there was no movement. I walked towards the stall slowly and looked to the left of where the mirror was so I could see the reflection of the person without them knowing. As I got closer and looked at the window I saw who it was.

It was Jinsoul.

Part of me wanted to say hi and confront her about what she's doing but the rest of me told me to stay and spy instead of saying anything. I noticed she was writing in a book again, the same one she was writing in at my house. To my surprise, she didn't even see me or hear me at all and kept writing but she seemed odd like something was bothering her, she looked like she was stressed or in a hurry but I had no idea why and it was the first time I'd ever seen her like this, not that I'd known her for long but she still was a good friend. She was too distracted to look up and I thought it was really suspicious but I slowly walked back and grabbed a paper towel to put around my finger for a bit. Although, as I left I saw her grin but not particularly in a nice way which left a cold shiver down my spine. I couldn't make out why she'd be like this or what on earth she was doing but I had to get back to class and carry on with my project.

It was around 8 at night and I was still in school in the library since I didn't want to go home yet and still wanted to read some books.
It was pitch black outside and wasn't really thinking about how I'd get home at all considering my brother who's probably gone to bed thinking I was at someone's house or just out. Jinsoul only talked to me at lunch since she had other lessons to me and the science lesson we both shared, we were on the opposite sides of the room. Still, I don't remember her seeming suspicious at all and seemed to be happier than ever which I thought was odd but I went along with it anyways.

I was starting to feel sleepy and thought it would be a good idea to probably get home since all of the teachers and other students were leaving. I picked up my phone and rang my brother hoping he'd pick me up and take me back
"Seungwoo! Can you pick me up from college please? I'm outside the entrance."
I tried to stay quiet so people around wouldn't hear me.
"Oh my god Lippie I was wondering were you were, I thought you were dead! Me and Hyeongjun were going to go looking for you! But yeh I'll pick you up now."

I tutted knowing that he was with his friend like always since they're constantly going round to each other's  houses and messing around. But this time, I was happier knowing my brother was a little bit worried for me.

I heard a car pull up and it was obviously my brother and Hyeongjun. I waved and got in the car sitting in the back since Hyeongjun was in the front.
"You ok?"
Seungwoo asked.
"Yeh I'm fine."
I sighed still tired.

The whole journey back consisted of the two friends babbling on to each other about their lives.
My brother smirked causing Hyeongjun to gulp.
"How's Minhee? Are we seeing him and the boys next week?" He said.
Hyeongjun was stunned by the question, he most likely was expecting a horrifying question from my brother.
"Yeh he's alright, he'll be coming this time, finally, if feels like I haven't seen him in ages." He said looking out of the window.
I smiled knowing that Seungwoo told me about how Minhee was friends with Hyeongjun since he was 4 and that the both of them were inseparable.
Seungwoo just gave him a nod and kept on looking at the road.

When we got home, Seungwoo said Hyeongjun could stay the night and so he did. I went up to my room and got dressed into my pyjamas to go to bed. I said goodnight to them both and sat on my bed with the lamp still on and I was looking at the ceiling.
Suddenly, I got weird flashbacks pop up into my memory but these were flashbacks perhaps from another life.
They were going so fast I couldn't take them all in and I started to sweat and I got a headache.
There was shouting and laughing happening and it sounded like it was happening around me because of how loud it was.
"𝑌𝑜𝑢 𝑔𝑢𝑦𝑠 𝑎𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑦 𝑏𝑒𝑠𝑡 𝑓𝑟-"
The laughing got louder and the scenes kept on popping up but they never finished the sentence.
It was going from memory to memory and getting louder and louder until-


It stopped.
It was quiet and the lamp was turned off even though I remember not turning it off. I breathed heavily but tried to calm myself down ticking myself in my bed and slowly shutting my eyes until I straight away thought...


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