12 | Finding them

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The next morning, I got up and got ready to look for the girls. Seoul of course is a very big place and it would take ages to find them but I still had to try.
My brother was still asleep since it was around 9 in the morning. I was meant to have classes that day, but I didn't bother since I thought this was more important.
I opened the door and stepped outside.
"What now?" I said to myself.
How was I meant to find 10 girls in a city of millions?
Either way, I started walking, not really knowing where I was going.

Minutes turned into hours and it was around 1 o'clock. I was far from my house and I was right in the centre of Seoul. I was extremely thirsty at this point so I decided to stop by a coffee shop and have a quick drink.
There was a tiny cafe on the side of a street and I walked right in, not exactly knowing what to get.
"Excuse me!" I said.
The girl behind the counter turned around and looked at me.
She jumped abit and she stared at me for a little bit but then snapped out of it.
She looked familiar.
"Yes? What would you like?" She smiled.
I looked at the menu behind her.
"Eeeeeh...I'll just have an iced tea please."
If I'm honest, I'd never actually tried iced tea before but I wanted to see what the hype was.
"Of course!" She smiled again making the drink.

She finally did the drink and handed it over to me.
Just as I was walking away a wave of realisation washed over me.
"Wait. Yeojin, isn't it?" I turned around and looked at her.
"Yes, and you're Kim Lip am I right?" She said with a small smile.
"Yes, I thought I recognised you but I didn't think you'd look the same and have the same name." I said.
"I guess." She smiled.
"...Haseul sent me to find everyone. Do you mind giving me your number just so I can contact you?" I asked.
"Haseul? I haven't seen her. Not until then but yes, I'll give you my number."
It seemed she really hadn't seen her in so long.
"Oh and...do you know where anyone else is? I know where Jinsoul and Chuu are since I'm friends with them."

Her expression changed as she was thinking about my question.
"I believe I know where one person is..."
"Hyunjin, I think she goes to Seoul university since I've seen her around there before but again, it could be anyone else since not all of us might look the same."
"Thanks Yeojin, I'll contact you later when I find anyone else," I said walking out with my drink.
I smiled and left knowing I've found one at least.
But I was wondering, will everyone know who I was? Or worse, will I even find everyone?

With Yeojin's help, I arrived at Seoul university  but I knew I couldn't possibly get in without some sort of pass.
There was a group of girls coming up towards my direction and they looked like university students, so I thought of an idea quickly.
"U-umm excuse me, I'm new and I don't have a pass or anything to get in...do you mind if I borrow one of yours? It's just for today."
I asked nervously. I couldn't read their faces but one of them spoke.
"Sorry, I need this pass and I can't be late," she said smiling awkwardly.
They slowly started to walk away.
"Well...do you at least know anyone called Hyunjin?"
"Oh, Kim Hyunjin? She's top in most of her lessons, I think she takes music and P.E."
"Thank you, I just really need to find her asap."
I thanked the girls and went inside. I couldn't believe no one had stopped me yet.
"I hope I don't get arrested for trespassing." I whispered to myself.

The university was huge, no wonder everyone wanted to go here.
I thought the best place to check first was the music part.
I asked someone where the music department was and they said "somewhere upstairs" which wasn't really useful but at least I knew which floor it was on.

I walked up some stairs and the floor was massive. How was I going to find the music department from here?

Honestly, I just started walking left and hoped I'd get somewhere. Finally I ended up in what I thought was the music department and walked into different rooms until I came to the end of the corridor with a small room.
I looked through the glass on the door and saw someone in. It was a girl with long, black hair sat down with AirPods in and a guitar next to her.
"That must be her," I whispered to myself.
I walked in slowly opening the door and walking up to her but for some reason she didn't notice me.
"Excuse me?" She still didn't hear me.
I crouched down, waving my hand in front of her face.
She noticed finally, taking out one airpod.
"Yes? May I help you?" She asked but from the way she said it and the way she looked made me feel like an inconvenience.
"Sorry you are Hyunjin right?"
"Yes...do you need anything?"
"Haseul sent me to get you...and everyone else."
"Sorry, you have the wrong person I don't know a Haseul."
She put her AirPods back in and carried on listening to music.
I got up and sighed. I didn't think she'd be like this.

"Excuse me, you shouldn't be here, come here." A man walked in through the door and said pointing his finger at me.
I did the first thing that came to mind and grabbed Hyunjin by the arm and ran out of the building.
"Hey, wait!" She was resisting me whilst going down the stairs and we got many odd looks from people, as expected, until we got outside of the building.
She ripped my hand off of her arm and was pretty angry.
"What are you doing and who are you?" She said.
"Listen Haseul told me to find yo-"
"Again with this Haseul I don't know who she is! I don't even know who you are! What are you dragging me out here for? Your going to get me in trouble!"
"You do know who she is and who I am,but you clearly don't remember or just don't want to remember."
She paused for a second.
"Ok maybe I do but also maybe I want to be left alone and not be dragged into this mess."
"So you do know who I am?"
"Not right now but I remember Haseul and she's in my dreams but, they're more like nightmares."
"You get them too?"
"What are you talking about? Just please leave me out of this."
I clearly wasn't getting very far but I had to try since I had to find everyone.
"Haseul wants everyone including you to be found and I'm not leaving until you just negotiate with me, please."
"Fine. But I don't want to see Olivia, she's the reason we're in this mess."
"What mess?" I knew Haseul sent me for a reason but I didn't really know what for still.
"I'll explain later but I'll give you my number and I'm gonna go back to what I was doing."
She gave me her number, smiled, and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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