07 | Silhouette

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"...wait...you serious?" Asked Chuu who looked abit nervous.
"Y-yeh...you've been appearing in my dreams for ages now with some other girls and I feel like it's connected to the real world since I've been getting weird feelings."
I said playing with my fingers trying not to be nervous.
"That's so weird because I've had a dream similar to yours and...you look like someone in the dream."
"Really?" I was shocked.
I thought to myself that maybe everyone in the dream maybe had similar dreams to me and maybe...Jinsoul was apart of this whole thing.
"Anyway...I'm going to check with maybe some kind of fortune teller to see if what's going on is really true and what could happen." I was determined.
Chuu hesitantly nodded.
She was just about to say something until-
"OWWWWW!!!" Hyeongjun was shouting in pain.
"A-are you ok?" I asked shouting from the other room.
Chuu rolled her eyes and got up to see him. I thought it'd be a good idea to go home since I had the conversation with her so I asked for her number just in case and I left saying goodbye.

I had no idea what to do now. It was late and I had no one to pick me up at all. I definitely should of asked Hyeongjun for a ride home.
I was stood outside their house and it was getting abit chilly but I couldn't do anything so there was only one thing I could do...

...walk home.

It was pitch black and the only lights were the street lamps or car headlights in the distance, there were alleyways I had to walk down and the house was quite abit away which was really annoying. I started to move faster so I could get back quick without any worries and my brother actually had a sister to come home to.
I was now going down a dark alleyway with absolutely no lights and it was really quiet.

I was looking left and right constantly making sure there was no one around or...actually...there was someone around so I felt abit more safe. It wasn't until a lamp flickered that made me jump and stop. I just looked at the glow of it for a few seconds until I saw something behind it. A silhouette. I couldn't tell what gender they were or see anything of them at all but they just stood there. Quietly. So I did. I was always complaining when people in horror movies shouted "hello?" or walked up to the danger because that would just get them killed, but in the moment I forgot about that and started slowly walking up to it.

I shuffled slowly, trying to figure out the structure of the person. In that moment I thought they were maybe just drunk so I tried to ignore it and walk around them. I was pretty nervous and what came after shocked me the most.

It was a girls voice, but it was pretty husky.
I stopped and slowly looked behind me. The figure was now looking directly at me but I couldn't see them at all.
"Stop trying to remember, just bring them to me, and yourself, or you'll all die."
I was confused and a little worried.
"W-what? Who are you? What's gonna happen? Why am I-"
"STOP. You couldn't save everyone last time, so it's time for you to do it this time.
And with that, the lamps flickered causing me to cover my eyes and then...she was gone.

I ran my way back home over worrying what the women said to me and thinking about who she was. It struck to me that maybe she had something to do with my dreams or that she was just in my imagination, but it seemed a little to real.
I got home and unlocked the door running to sit on the couch. Seungwoo just came in with food stuffed in his face and stood staring at me with furrowed eyebrows.
"Why are you back so late?"
He asked still chewing on food.
"I...uh...went to see a friend."
"Friend? You don't have any friends except from Jinsoul."
"Yeh well...it was for a science project."
I lied trying to make it believable.
He just nodded and went upstairs.
I put on the TV and flicked through the channels until something interesting came on.
I have seen her before. It was Jeon Heejin. The up and coming CEO of Jeon Tech that I watched a few days ago.
"The new 21 year old CEO of Jeon Tech has gone missing." I widened my eyes surprised about the information and turned up the volume.
"She went missing 2 days ago and hasn't been seen since. We advise you to call us if you find her but we believe she has been 𝐾𝐼𝐷𝑁𝐴𝑃𝑃𝐸𝐷"
I don't know why but that word kept on replaying over and over in my head. Even though it is none of my business and I don't know her personally, I felt like looking for her...and I got an amazing amount of money if I did find her. I decided to turn off the tv and go up to bed since I had to go to college in the morning.

I got ready for bed and turned off the lights before saying good night to my brother. I kept on thinking about that women in the alleyway and what she meant but I tried to sleep it off and wait for tomorrow to find out more answers.
Maybe it was a complete mistake...or it had something to do with Heejin...or...

...something I have done

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