09 | Fortune Teller

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I woke up to the sound of my brother and Hyeongjun laughing in his room. I wasn't particularly in the mood to be dealing with annoying boys but at the very least, I was thankful to them for waking me up since I had something...important to do.

"You two shut up! why are you being so loud?!" I shouted.
The laughing suddenly turned silent and all I could hear was muffled mumbling.
I just sighed and got up to get ready for my day.
"Lippie! I'm going now, see you later!" Hyeongjun shouted just about to leave the house.
"Ok see you Hyeongjun!" I shouted back still annoyed about the commotion him and Seungwoo made a bit ago.

I put on a casual outfit consisting of a normal white T-shirt I seem to wear a lot with a woolly vest over it and of course, some jeans. I had an idea that could possibly tell me what on earth is going on with all my weird dreams and deja vu that I've been getting recently. It was finally time...well...hopefully.
It was nearly 11 by the time I ate breakfast and watched TV but I was too eager not to leave and find out the truth. Although, if something was really happening, I'd have to hide it from Seungwoo since he's a BIG worrier and it drives me insane.

"Uhhh...Seungwoo I'm going somewhere for a bit just so you know."
I said putting my shoes on quickly.
"Why? Where are you going?" He was super nosy which isn't new.
"I said...somewhere."
There was silence.
"Ok." He said bluntly.
He didn't seem happy not knowing where I was going but I didn't care. I needed to leave.

I slammed the door shut and left.
It was time to see...

The fortune teller...

I was walking to the address of the fortune teller that Seungwoo went to the other day and was extremely nervous. I had no idea at all how on earth a fortune teller was going to explain everything that was going on but I believed that it would tell me about the future and if it will effect my life.
Although, whilst walking, I thought about it for a minute. Honestly, I felt like I couldn't do it on my own so I stopped.
𝑀𝑎𝑦𝑏𝑒 𝑖 𝑠ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑜𝑚𝑒𝑜𝑛𝑒...
I thought to myself but knew I had to do this alone.
I carried on walking, this time a little more confident than before.

I was nearly there when I saw a familiar figure at the front of a shop. It was Jinsoul.
This time, she had her hair down, not like usual and had a darker outfit than she usually has.
She looked different.
I was going to say hello but something stopped me...
I thought about it for a minute and didn't call out for her since something in me was telling me not to.
For some time she's been acting strange and even though we haven't known each other for that long, she's been hiding something, it's obvious. Instead of saying hi, I hid behind the corner of a shop to spy on her a little.
She was looking at things in the window like any normal person, but her personality seemed completely different.
She then walked off and I decided to follow her.
I was slow and quiet trying to follow her but if she ever turned around, I'd hide or turn the other way so she couldn't see my face. It was a weird direction she was going in since it's pretty abandoned and barely anyone goes down there.
What I didn't know was that there was an open space ahead from the alleyway and Jinsoul disappeared.
"What..?" I whispered to myself.
I was looking around for her until I heard a voice from my left.
All I could hear was mumbling but I could see Jinsoul talking to someone although I couldn't see their face. The only part of the conversation I could hear was Jinsoul mention something about...an eclipse?
I was really confused and more confused about why she was secretly talking with her. Maybe, just maybe she knew I was following her.
She was just about to turn around until I ran back down the alleyway to get out of her sight.
I was huffing and puffing until I got up to the place I came here for...

I walked inside to the reception and asked if I could go in. They let me in and told me to go through the hallway to the left. I walked through the long hallway and saw a room on to my left. I took a deep breath and walked in...

It was a pretty dark room but it was dimly lit in the corner. There was a women there, she had long black hair with glasses and looked like she was concentrating. She suddenly realised my presence and told me to sit down.
"Hello, my name is Kai, how may I help you?" She smiled.
"U-uh well, I've been getting these weird dreams lately and I feel like they have something to do with my past or even future, many people in my dreams are people I've never seen before but people I've found out about later, I just want to know if this is going to effect me in the future." I told her.
She nodded. "Right, well not only do I do fortune telling but I can show you your past life, maybe there will be answers there aswell." She spoke. She told me to close my eyes and so I did.
In about 30 seconds I was taken away suddenly into darkness.
"Can you see anything?" She asked.
"Not at the moment." I replied.
I waited and waited.
Just as I thought it wasn't working, I was in a field, a big garden like the garden of Eden.
To my left was a building that looked abit like a school.
"Kim Lip! Kim Lip!"
It seemed to be a memory since I couldn't control it.
"Olivia is in a mood again, I think you need to speak to her." This girl laughed whilst talking.
I nodded and went into the building.
There was afew girls playing hopscotch and reading. They all waved at me and I waved back.
I then was in a room and saw a girl with long black shiny hair sat on a chair but couldn't see her face because her head was turned the other way.
"Olivia, are you ok?" I asked.
The girl sighed.
She turned her head and looked directly at me.
"You know, I'm surprised you talked to me today, it's not like anyone cares." She said sternly.
I walked up to her and sat with her.
"You know, I think your different, but a good different and I know everyone cares deeply for you, but you cast yourself out." She rolled her eyes and spoke again, this time not looking at me.
"No one cares and you know it, I've never been able to do anything with you guys ever, I've been casted out by them, not by myself  you know." She seemed angry but she didn't show it.
In my head, I knew she was right, no one seemed to listen to her and the only one who really spoke to her was either me or Gowon.
She got up and walked out but stood in the doorway for a second...
"You know, in the next life I hope you don't lie to me like this again, well, if you find me." She then walked out and I woke up.
"Are you ok?" Kai asked.
I nodded but I was confused, really confused.

She then started the fortune telling and she told me to pick a card. I picked the third from the left and turned it over.
"You will have great victory in the future." She smiled.
"Thank god." I whispered to myself.
I picked another card.
"You will have an argument with someone close to you."
I frowned. I then remembered what Seungwoo said to me. So...we really might have an argument.
I picked a third one.
"Something big will happen in your life, really big." She said with a worried look.
This was the last card. I took a deep breath and picked one last one.
She paused for a second.
"You will be reunited with past life friends and go through hardship together."
I knew there was something going on. I knew there was something about those dreams I was having...

...I needed to get ready for what was about to come...

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