Chapter One: Late Night Thoughts

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Jude POV
It's midnight. I can't sleep. I roll over and pick up my phone to see a text message from Connor.


Connor : hey, you still up ?

Jude: yea can't sleep. What about you ?

Connor : thinking

Jude: about ?

Connor: .....

Connor POV
I waited silently for a response but never got one. That's the probably with sending risky texts I guess. Since the camping trip neither one of us has said anything about what happened, but maybe it's better left unspoken. I roll over and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

Jude POV
I still couldn't sleep. Why didn't I respond I thought to myself. Isn't this what I wanted, to talk ? Maybe. Connor and I haven't dared to talk about the camping trip in months so why now ? Sometimes I just don't get Connor. If he had been questioning the things that happened why would he wait so long to bring them up. I lied there staring at the dark ceiling until my eyes became heavy and I drifted to sleep.

Hi. I've never written any fan fiction so if you like the beginning and want me to keep going let me know
~ M. Smith

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