Chapter Thirteen: The Question Answered

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I woke up still in Connors arms. I pulled him off of me as he groaned unhappily.

Jude- I have to go to the bathroom!

Connor- 5 more minutes. Don't leave me.

Jude- geez you're kinda needy.

He made an unpleasant noise. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth and snuck in a quick shower. I slipped into my boxers and walked into my room. Connor was up and he starred at me.

Jude- um earth to connor.

He threw a pillow at me and smiled really big before saying.

Connor- puts some clothes. We both know you're just a tease.

Jude- ouch. Rude Connor that is what you are. Rude.

He smirked and kissed my check then walked into the bathroom. God I love him so much.

He's adorable. I can't help but stare at him and smile. I started thinking about all the good times we have had. I remembered last night and then I thought about the time in the clearing. On our way home that night I asked him a question. He got really upset and ran off into the woods. I can't help but wonder why he couldn't tell me who that guy was. Maybe I should ask him again but I don't want him to be upset.

Connor- hey jude?

Jude- yea ?

Connor- do you remember that night in the woods?

Jude- yes. It was the greatest then the worse then the greatest night.

Connor- who was that guy and why did you get so upset when I asked.

Jude- Connor ....... Uh......

Connor- I'm sorry I asked..... Again

He sat down on the bed beside me and just starred at his feet.

Jude- listen... It's a really long story but that guy was Liam.

Connor- and who is Liam?

Jude- he was me and Callie's old foster brother.

Connor- um..... Ok?

Jude- he used Callie and after she went to Juvie he started picking on me and then he started to....

Judes eyes filled with tears instantly and they ran down his cheeks. I pulled him into a tight hug.

Connor- Jude I'm so sorry. You don't have to talk about it ever again. It will NEVER happen again because you have me and I will always protect you. I love you.

He wiped his eyes and looked up and me.

Jude- I love you too.

It felt good to let Connor know my secret. He didn't blame me and he said he'd always protect me. I love him so much the way he always has my back like a best friend should but we have more than just that and I'm so glad we do. We went into the backyard to lay in the grass. I slowly moved my hand close to his while he had his eyes shut and locked my pinkie around his. I looked at his face and saw him smile. Today wasn't half bad after all.

Hey guys. So lately my mom has been giving me a lot of crap about watching the fosters. I painted my nails blue and she told me she was going to pray for the show to be canceled and she was dead serious. She says she's not homophobic but I'll let "god" be the judge of that. As always thanks for reading and feel free to leave me a comment!!!
-M. Smith

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