Chapter Four: Things Unsaid Become Said

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I so do not want to go on this "date" , but Jude seemed to be fine with it so I guess I have to go. I still am unsure of how I feel and I keep thinking back to the camping trip and the tent and everything that's happened since then. It's just.... I just..... I mean.... I don't know..... "Connor , Connor , Earth to Connor " Jude was waving his arms like a mad man trying to get my attention. "Huh , yea, what? " I quickly snapped out of thought and back to reality. " I said are you ready to go to my house ?" I started putting away my math book and nodded my head. We walked out of the school and down the side walk. About half way Jude suddenly stopped......


Connor and I were walking to my house and about halfway I stopped. He turned and looked at me , I sat down in the grass and said " We need to talk." He sat down next me. This was it, it was time for everything unsaid to said and to be heard.

Connor- okay?

Jude- That night , in the tent. You kissed me and I liked it. I like you .... A lot and I'm not going on that date with Taylor because Connor I'm ..... I'm ....

Connor- You don't have to say it . I know and I am too. I really like you and I never wanted to go on that date in the first place. That night when I kissed you I felt something I'd never felt before.

Jude- So what now ?

Connor- Now we get to your house before Lena thinks we've been kidnapped.

We both laughed and then got up and resumed our trek home. It's good to have everything out in the open. I'm really glad Jude told me all of that stuff he was feeling. I'm not confused anymore. I like boys , no no, I like Jude, I like Jude Adams-Foster. When we got to his house Lena rushed over to us. " What took you guys so long? I was worried sick. " I quickly glanced over to Jude. I could see the fear in his eyes so I quickly answered " Sorry Mrs.Adams-Foster we run into some friends from school. They just talked like there was no tomorrow." I have a little laugh trying to make it as believable as possibly.

He does know that I can tell he's lying right? Oh well , there home and safe now so I guess it doesn't matter. I shrug it off and tell them " Next time a text would be very appreciated." They both nodded and quickly made there way upstairs. They're acting a little off , maybe I should talk to them? I decide to wait for Stef to get home before doing anything.

How are you guys liking it ? Leave me a comment let me know what you want to see happen throughout the story. Which characters you would like to see more of and any ideas are welcome. Again thanks for reading !
~ M.Smith
P.s. Next chapter is super long!!!

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