Chapter Fourteen: Just A Dream

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Flashback- (chapter 4)

Connor and I were walking to my house and about halfway I stopped. He turned and looked at me , I sat down in the grass and said " We need to talk."

He sat down next me. This was it, it was time for everything unsaid to said and to be heard.

Connor- okay?

Jude- That night , in the tent. You kissed me and I liked it. I like you .... A lot and I'm not going on that date with Taylor because Connor I'm ..... I'm ....

Connor- You don't have to say it . I know and I am too. I really like you and I never wanted to go on that date in the first place. That night when I kissed you I felt something I'd never felt before.

Jude- So what now ?

Connor- Now we get to your house before Lena thinks we've been kidnapped.

Real Time


Connor was sitting tiredly beside a hospital bed. He'd been there for 3 days refusing to leave. Jude had been in the hospital a little over 3 months, comatose. Connor made a vow not to leave until he woke up. He kept replaying that day over and over in his head. He thought about it day in and day out. He kept remembering jude sit on the ground, right before he could join jude on the ground that car swerved off the road. The accident traumatizing him for the last few months waiting for his best friend to wake up.


STEF- Connor honey, I think you should go home and get some rest.

Connor wiped his tired wet eyes and nodded gently.

CONNOR- I know you're right but I don't want to leave. I can't leave.

Stef sits down beside Connor and soothingly rubs circles in his back.

STEF- It's not your fault. You don't need to feel guilty anymore. That car still would've swerved and had you been sitting down it would've hurt you too. We are lucky you didn't get hurt.

CONNOR- I'd trade places with him in a heartbeat. He's hurt and it's my fault
and nothing will ever make me feel better. I won't be ok until he is ok.

Sorry it's short and it's been a long while. After everything in the show and in my own life I lost track of what I was doing with this story, but I'm back and I plan on continuing the story. What do you guys want to see happen next? Leave a comment giving me some ideas and maybe you might just be the inspiration I need.

Jonnor ~ UnspokenWhere stories live. Discover now