Chapter Six: Missing You

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It's been a week since I've seen Jude. My dad sent me to this camp with other gay kids that try's to make them straight. I haven't really talked to anyone and the councilors said that I could go home once I said I was straight. I want to say it I want to scream it but I know once I do I'll feel guilty because of Jude. I miss him so much and I can't stand the thought of even pretending to be straight. I'll have to say it if I want to see Jude again and go back to school.

I miss Connor so much. I walk by his house everyday but I never see him. I'm standing on the sidewalk outside of his house right now. The doors opening and I take off sprinting I hear Connors mom call after me.

Mrs. Stevens- Jude wait. Come here.

I walk over to her and she tells to come in she explains how Connors dad shipped him off to camp self quest to "fix" him. She told me that he would be home as soon as he said he was straight. I thought about that a lot. What if he realized he was straight? What if he came back and didn't love me anymore? Everything he said and everything he did, was it all just a lie? I was lying in bed now. I rolled over at looked at the clock. 1:57 a.m. I can't sleep and I can't stop thinking about Connor. I get up and go into the bathroom. I turn on the shower and turn the heat all the way up. I get in and I let the water burn my back as cry silently. I see the razor blade and I pick it up. I just look at it and thought to myself. I heard a knock at the door. I put the razor down got out of the shower and got dressed and I open the door. Mariana looks at me then frowns and pulls me into a long hug.

I got up to go to the bathroom and I heard the shower running so I knocked and waited. Soon Jude opened the door. His eyes were red and puffy. I didn't know what was wrong but I knew I had to help. I wrapped my arms around him and then led him downstairs. We sat on the couch and he began to sob.

Mariana- Jude... What's wrong?

Jude- it's....... a long.....story

Jude barely got out his words between his tears. I reached over and placed my hand on his shoulder.

Mariana- it's ok I have time.

Jude- well.... Um... I'm gay and so is connor and well we kinda got together that weekend everyone was away but then his dad saw us kiss and he took connor.......... He shipped him to some camp to make him straight and I'm just worried.... What if he comes back and he doesn't like me anymore?

Mariana- oh Judicorn, I see the way he looks at you. I knew he liked you before he did and I think some camp won't change Connors mind. He's your best friend and some strangers can't change that. Don't worry. Come on you and I both need to get some sleep.

Jude and I walked up the stairs and I kissed his head before going into my room and getting in bed.

Marianas words really helped me too calm down but I was still worried. The possibility of what could happen, of what could go wrong kept me awake a little while longer until I crashed of exhaustion.

Hey guys. How are you liking it so far? Comment what you would like to see happen or if you have any ideas. As always feel free to leave me a comment and thanks for reading!
-M. Smith

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