Chapter Eleven: Running

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I was at the fields gathering my stuff up to go back to Judes house when my dad comes up to me and tells me I need to come home. I asked why but he doesn't respond. He looks anger but he's not drunk if he was I'd be out cold on the ground. I decide its in my best interest to do what he says. He takes me home silently and then grabs my arm and takes me into my room. He uses a belt the tie my hands the the bed and starts to beat me until I can feel the blood rolling down my back. He kicked me then boarded up my window and locked me in my room. The room began to spin and everything went black.

After I finished punishing Connor I precede downstairs and call camp self quest.

Adam- hi my son connor was at your camp a little while ago. He has since remembered the boy he claims is his is boyfriend. When can I get him back into the camp and this time make sure the treatment sticks. No son of mine will be gay. Fix him.

Worker- ok. We have an opening next week. You can bring him down and he'll stay just over 2 weeks and the treatment will remain permanent.

Adam- ok thank you.

Just then I feel someone tap on my shoulder. I hang up the phone and turn around to see my wife with tears in her eyes.

Wife- Adam is this really necessary? He's just a kid.

Adam- he can go back to being just a kid when he isn't gay.

Wife- please don't do this. Why can't you just accept him.

I slapped her to ground and she hit her head and was knocked out. I went to the kitchen and grabbed the bottle of scotch.

I can feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I roll over and see its Connor. I pick it up immediately.

Jude- Connor ? Are you ok?

Connors mom- Jude honey, this is his mom. Adams planning to send Connor off to that dreadful place again. If I say he ran away could he stay with you?

Jude- YES. Yes of course he can. I just have to ask Lena first.

She hangs up and I run downstairs as quickly as I can until I find Lena sitting in the kitchen.

Jude- mom , mom , mom

I'm so out of breathe that's all I can say between gasps. She sits me and down.

Lena- what is it honey.

Jude- Connors mom called and said that Adam was gonna ship him off to that camp again. And she said she was going to fake him running away. She wants to know if he can stay here.

Lena- um ok. Have Jesus move into Brandon's room and Connor can bunk with you.

Jude- ok thanks mom.

I run upstairs and start to get everything moved around and set up for Connors arrival.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder.
" connor , connor it's me, mom." Everything was hazy at first. Soon my vision cleared and I saw my mom packing my a bag.

Connor- what are you doing mom?

Mom- packing you a bag. You are going to go stay with jude for a while. I'm staging it as a runaway so you don't have to go back to that camp.

Connor- oh ok. Thanks

I get up and ready to go. I kick out the boarded up window to help with the fake runaway and my mom drives me to Judes house. I get there and they tell me Jesus is staying in Brandon's room while I'm here. I thought to myself about all the alone time jude and i would have together. This is going to be amazing...

Hey guys recently I've gotten a bit of writers block and have been lazy and falling behind on writing this so I apologize. As always feel free to leave me a comment and thanks for reading!!!
-M. Smith

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