Chapter 1

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Stefanias pov:

I was fast asleep until I felt jeff on top of me, licking my face to wake me up.

"Baby five more minutes" I tell her, I grin and try to gently get her off me, but my efforts are useless, she keeps licking me until I lift my face and sit in the bed.

"Okay... okay fine I'm up, I'm up" I tell her, which makes her wiggle her tail.

I grab my phone to check the time. Its 8 am "merda, sarò in ritardo!!" I jump out of bed to quickly take a shower.

I can't be late, today is my first table read with the station 19 crew.

I take the quickest shower of my life, put on a white t shirt, a pair of jeans and my converse, and run to the door.

The drive was short. Once I parked my car I text Jason to ask him if he could help me find the room, he tells me that he had just arrived as well, so we see each other in the parking lot.

"Stefania, hey!" he says as he pulls in for a hug. "First day! aren't you exited?"

"I think the right word would be terrified". I say as we pull away and start walking towards the set.

"Come on, there's nothing to worry about, the cast is incredible, I'm sure you'll love them."

"I hope so! I mean, the only thing Stacey said was that I'm gonna be a potential love interest. what am I supposed to do with that information? I don't even know who they are going to pair me up with"

"Well, I guess we'll find out soon enough" he says as we started to reach a room door with a sheet that reads "station 19 season 3 episode 5 table read"

Danielle pov

Chat with Barret:

                  "Dani where are you? Table read starts in like 3 minutes"

                   "I'm coming, just had to go to the bathroom real quick"

As I walk in the room, I see that almost everyone was already seated, I got kind of embarrassed I'm never this late to a table read. I quickly head towards my chair and see that the placement had changed, there's someone new seated next to mine, Stefania Spampinato.

Krista and Stacy had told me that hey might pair me up with someone new but i didnt know who it was gonna be. I've never really met her, only said hi a couple of times in the halls, I don't even think she knows my name. Im not gonna lie, i have actually wanted to get to know her for a while, Barret works sometimes in the Grey's set so she tells me all kinds of things from the people there. She was the one to tell me about Stefania, all ive heard are great things about her. Also, in all honesty, this woman is breathtaking. I mean, seriously, how can anyone always look that fucking beautiful. Its 8:30 in the morning for gods sakes, it makes no sense.

I found myself kinda checking her out and realized that she was looking at me too. I see her smile and wave hello and I do the same. I quickly reach my chair still making eye contact with her.

I hear Jason talk to me "Hey Dani, you know Stefania right?"

"Um I don't think we've formally met, hi I'm Danielle" I say as I extend my hand

"Stefania, pleasure to finally meet you" she says as she smiles and shakes my hand gently, her beautiful brown eyes locked with mine. What. The. Fuck. She is even more beautiful up close, how is this possible.

The brief moment was cut short cause suddenly we hear Stacey say, "good morning everybody, let's begin, episode 5 season 3."

Everyone reads their lines, the episode is running smoothly. I almost got immersed in the pages, trying to picture every piece of the episode. maybe I got too lost in my imaginary episode, I snapped out of it when I heard Stefania say her first words.

"Hi, white whine please." She says, then she looks at me, she and I lock eyes for a brief moment, and then I turn away

"You look familiar" she says to me. I look at her again and see her smiling at me. WHAT IS IT WITH THIS WOMAN.

"Oh, no, I drink here a lot." I say,

"Umm, no... where you at the hospital earlier? She says, looking at me every time she finishes a sentence.

"Yeah, I was... I'm a firefighter, I was... bringing something" I can't help but pause for some moments, to look at her, to really see her.

"Oh my god... yes, you were the one who ran in with the nose." Suddenly she got really exited saying those last words, I couldn't help but smile.

"Yeah! Umm... Captain maya bishop" I said, shaking her hand gently.

"Dr Carina De Luca" She doesn't stop smiling, I can't help but get lost in her eyes, in her smile. There's a small pause, we just stay there, looking at each other, its like she is staring directly into my heart, making It beat faster and faster.

Suddenly she looks back at the paper and says: "Well okay... if I buy you a drink, will you tell me the story of how you ended up carrying a nose in a plastic bag?" For the first time in what seems like forever, I look away too. "I'm sorry, I'm drinking alone tonight" I read.

"Okay" she looks kind of disappointed of my answer and then she says, "are you sure?"

Suddenly I see her again, lock eyes with her again, I smile, then she smiles. "Maybe not" I say. She gives me a cute and sexy smile and I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. We continue looking at each other until we notice that there's people around us, looking at us in silence. Then, we hear everyone in the cast clapping loudly, We hear people around us say "that was amazing" "holy shit that's incredible", Barrett gives me a pat in the back, I look at her and she tells me "dude you guys killed that, that was one of the best table reads I've ever seen"

I was still in shock with what just happened. I look at Stefania who is also receiving compliments on her other side of the table, she looks at me and smiles.




Authors note

Hi wonderful people! This is my first time writing a wattpad story so I'm kinda nervous, If you like it or you have any suggestions, my dms are always open.

Hope you like the story so far and have and amazing day 😊


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