Chapter 2

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Stefania POV

That was amazing. I don't know why, I don't know how, but that table read made my head spin.

After the table read, Jason and I got up to drink some coffee. He keeps talking to me but I can't really focus. All I can think of is Danielle, my eyes are drawn to her, she is talking and laughing with the other girls, she looks incredible. Somehow I'm shaken out of my trance by Jason pulling my arm tanking me towards the girls, towards Danielle.

"Whoa whoa, what the hell are you doing?" I said, pulling Jason towards the opposite direction.

"Well, clearly you'd rather be talking to someone else. Plus, I know you've met Barrett but don't think you've met Jaina yet, it's a great opportunity to get to know  other people from the cast."

"I'm sorry it's just..."

"It's okay, I get it... now let's go." He said, taking me towards them.

After we arrive at the table they are seated in, Jason says: "hey guys, you've met Stefania" I of them look at me and smile.

"Hi Stef!" Barrett says, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hi, i'm Jaina" Jaina shakes my hand and smiles at me. "That was incredible, you guys have amazing chemistry"

"I know, I was shook" I say looking at Danielle, she looks at me and smiles. "You... were incredible"

"Likewise" She says, we smile and look at each other for what seems like forever.

After a while we all seat down and they start telling me stories about the cast and crew. I've been here less than a day and I can see that these people are like a family, I think im gonna like working with them.

30 minutes pass and they start calling everyone to hair and makeup. I know that we are not filming our scene today, so I watch everyone as they start to leave.

"Hey, are you filming anything today?" Danielle asks me.

"Hmm I don't think so, I have a some scenes I have to film in greys but they said they'll call me in a couple hours"

"Okay great... I don't really have to film anything yet, want to walk a bit or something?"

"Yeah, I'd love to"

We walk for some time and talk about ourselves, about how we started acting, about everything.

"So, wait... you have a dog who is called Jeff and it's a..." She asks as we walk towards her trailer.

"Yes, Jeff's a girl" I laugh and she laughs.

"What! wait I wanna hear the story behind that" she says smiling.

We go inside her trailer, I tell her how I gave Jeff her amazing and totally unique name and afterwards we couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay now I have to meet Jeff" she says as she pours some water in some glasses, hands one to me and sits down next to me.

"Agree! You'll love her Bella" Shit, I just called her bella; this woman that I've only really talked to for a couple of hours. Okay don't panic Stefania, its fine you've called some of your friends bella, it's fine, it's just fine.

"Bella?" She asks. Shit now its weird.

"It means beautiful" I answer nervously, and her eyes meet mine.

"Aww you think I'm beautiful?" I see her smile which makes me relieved.

"Well duh, look at you" I grace her arm with mine playfully.

"Why thank you Bella" she says and now I'm the one smiling.

Our moment is cut short by a girl from the crew calling Danielle for hair and makeup.

"I'll be there in a minute" she tells the girl as we both get up. She opens the door of the trailer, and we head outside.

"Well, this was an amazing first day, thank you for that"

"No problem, just wait till you meet everyone else, you'll love them" "You already impressed everyone with our scene, I know I was impressed".

"Oh trust me, I was too"

Authors note

Hi wonderful people! This chapter was kind of short. Writing the longer chapters take me a bit more time to post so;  should i just post the short ones or wait a little and finish longer ones, what do you guys think? 

English isn't my first language so if i make a mistake please let me know. Also,  If you like it or you have any suggestions, my dms are always open.

Hope you like the story so far and have and amazing day 😊


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