13: Guinevere x Aamon | Keep Quiet✅

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Here's my promise to-- I'm sorry, I forgot the username. But to that beautiful one who requested a Guinevere x Aamon happy ending. This is a bonus one-shot for you cause there will be--yeah, you know, so.

Guinevere x Aamon
Keep Quiet


Guinevere flinched, she almost flickered to the other side when someone's arm was suddenly wrapped around her small waist. She struggled for the moment, she almost cried when her mouth was blocked by a big, long and beautiful hands. But she somehow calmed down when he spoke.

They've just arrived from work, she's working as a personal assistant to the ever gorgeous model-- Aamon Paxley. It was never easy, there were paparazzis and they're always on the run. Yes, Aamon Paxley is always on the run and as a personal assistant, she's included on the chase. Yup, she chases because Aamon just sprints to nowhere whenever his fans starts going crazy once they see him. And poor Guinevere would also chase him to nowhere because she got their things and she doesn't want to get lost on the way.

Aamon pulled her inside the love hotel--yeah, they'll be staying in a fucking love hotel for the night. His penthouse is on the other city, his photoshoot was destined in the current city and it will took 5 hours to drive back to his home. They won't probably reach his penthouse alive because first of all, Aamon was drunk. The company had a congratulatory party and Aamon probably had enjoyed it because he's now a drunk bitch.

"Sir, please stay at the sofa. I'm gonna get--"

Guinevere was cut off when Aamon ducked them under the table, "Hush, they will shee ush..."

Guinevere chuckled, "No paparazzi around, okay? Come on." She escaped his arms and grabbed him to the sofa.

He obeyed like a baby, she pushed him to the sofa and placed him comfortably before going to the dining room. She prepared aids for her boss, she took a pill, towel soaked in water, she also prepared an evening shirt and pajama for him. Yup, she always do this whenever he's drunk and it's just normal for her. They are completely platonic, Aamon doesn't care whatever she does to him and Guinevere would never do anything either to him.

When she got back to the sofa, Aamon was sitting, heads down.


He immediately looked up to her. She smiled and put the aids down to settle him. But she was shocked with what he did next, her heart hammered to the extent that she could feel her blood rising up to her head. He just strongly pulled her and pinned her on the sofa. Guinevere couldn't be more anxious that time, they were so near, he was fucking sniffing her neck and she just bit her lip to stop herself from moaning or whimpering.

"E--excuse me," her voice was shaking. She tried pushing him up and he just roamed his nose down her chest. OMYGHAD! "W--what are you doing? P--please, please let me go..."

His voice vibrated on her chest, "Not gonna happen," he said as he sniffs her scent, "My beautiful Guinevere... my ever lovely Guinevere..." He spoke making her heart race to the extent. She surely doesn't know what to do, he's stronger and she cannot do anything with their position. Her strength is nothing compared to the drunk bastard sniffing her all the way.

"What are you doing?" Her voice faltered. "We'll both regret this once you're sober, please stop..."

He shook his head on her chest hitting her two lonely mountains, "Naaahhh~ can't you fucking see? You've been working for me for two years but you--" he sounds offended and frustrated, "How dense are ya, Baroque?"


"You don't fucking notice my possessiveness over you after all?"

She gulped. He's been possessive over her, really, but she did not give any meaning to it. She thought he was just protecting her because she's his assistant. And he's normally possessive, he doesn't share his property--she thought it was normal.

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