new chapter

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I'm about to embark on a journey that a year ago I would have laughed at you if you said it was happening. A year ago I was about to move in with my now ex girlfriend. A year ago I just bought my first car. A year ago I was beginning to hate the job I was in. A year ago my mental health wasn't the best. A year ago I was significantly larger. A year ago I never would have guessed this is where I'd be now.

I'm about to move out of that house that I moved into with my ex partner. I will have owned my car for a year and I'm dreading the insurance bill I about to make again. I'm at a new job that I love and we just had our Christmas party that I was hesitant in going to but actually had fun. My mental health is in a grey area...I'm doing things that will definitely help my mental health but I'm also at a point of being so stressed that everything is so deliriously funny. A year later I'm 23 kgs down.

That's the funny thing about time. So many things change. You are always one decision away from a completely different life. Every decision I have made has put me where I am now. A year ago if you told me I was going to start a new job, make life long friends and end up moving in with one, I would have told you that you were crazy. Yet here I am. Loving life, living with someone I met at work. Starting a new chapter. Starting a new life. Leaving everything that brought me sadness behind.

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