we were made for this

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We started dying before the rain, and like the rain, we continued to fall. Fleeting emotions of euphoria and angst. The adrenaline was almost too much to bare. The rain fell loudly, making noise against everything it fell upon. We looked up and laughed. But then we couldn't stop. No other noise in the air but the rain falling and our broken laughter, stopping to catch breaths, stopping because before we even knew, we were reaching for each other. We longed to make this moment ours. We were made for this. We were made for this eurphoric feeling. The unstoppable. As the rain continued to fall we danced, we held each other, we sang our little songs in our silly little voices and we laughed until we couldn't laugh anymore. We didn't care that we might get sick. We didn't care that we had fallen victim to mother natures vicious anger. We were incandescently happy.

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