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You were in my dream last night. I haven't had a dream about you in a long time. It was comforting, to see your face again. Smiling. Laughing. It wasn't the same as we used to be, the complete opposite. We were still broken up. We were once in love, who became strangers, who were trying to be friends in this world again. But this friendship was different. You still held my thigh when I sat next to you. You still kissed me on my cheek. I sighed in relief. The comfort I had being next to you again. The comfort I had being in your arms. The comfort I had being yours, even for merely a moment was bliss.

We were the same people but different. Struggling to find conversation yet holding each other in any way we could. Afraid that this cruel world might separate us from each other again. Afraid that if we got too comfortable, the world we built for ourselves would crumble down around us, and we were scared. Scared of losing each other again. Scared of what doing all of this to each other might hold. Scared of committing to one another again. Scared of getting too comfortable in the little world we created around us.

There were a lot of factors. Knowing it wasn't real pains me a little. But I can rest peacefully knowing that in those moments. In that dream. That little world we created around us was just for us. No one could touch us. No one could destroy it. Knowing in that little world I was yours and you were mine and we were happy, we were so content. We were warm. We were loved. We were at peace. Brings me the utmost joy. For that one tiny moment, it was just us.

- I hope there's a time where you read this and know it's about you and smile willingly, knowing it was just for us.

Sincerely Yours,Where stories live. Discover now