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I can't even begin to explain how comforting your scent is to me. How you smell makes me feel safe. How when I'm anxious or sad I long for the loving scent of you, how I wish for nothing more than that smell to be present.

It's a mix between washing powder, deodorant and just you, mixed together is just bliss. I remember the first time I smelt it on the blanket you gave me and I didn't want to stop, I took in every ounce of it that I could, knowing I wouldn't smell it again.

Since living here, it's still my favourite thing. When we sleep in the same bed it's that much better because it's you and you're there and the smell is just everywhere and I feel so safe, so warm, so at peace. Last night I got drunk, so stupid drunk and we slept on the couch. I got up early to let the dog out and was still drunk when I woke up. Myself knew I needed that comfort and I found myself waking up 3 hours later in your bed with your hand on my thigh rubbing circles as you watched videos. I laughed and apologised because I didn't even remember getting into your bed, you were still on the couch. But something in me needed that safety, it needed that warm feeling.

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