to forever

23 1 1

I wanted so badly to be your one. I wanted so badly to be your wife. You really were the love or my life. So many times i wished you wanted me the same way, and although you loved me, I was never the girl your pictured your future with. I was never the girl you pictured putting a ring on her hand. I was never the girl you loved enough. Don't get me mistaken, you loved me hard. You loved me with everything in you, but it just wasn't enough for forever. We had our issues but amungst all the fights we had, if you had of asked me to be your forever I would have said yes in a heart beat. Without second guessing. Without hesitation I would have promised you the rest of my life. If only we had worked harder on us.

Sincerely Yours,Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu