do you feel bad

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Do you feel bad for hurting me? Do you regret it? Do you lay awake in bed at night and think about how you would have done things differently? I thought you loved me. You told me you did and so I believed you. How stupid of me. I trusted you with my life and in return I get abused, beaten, strangled, and god knows what else. Whilst unconscious. And you didn't care. You didn't even blink an eye. You didn't flinch. Hurting me fuelled something in you. It gave you some sort of twisted kick and the worst part of it being you came to see me when I was in hospital. 3 times. You wanted to see me in my most vulnerable state. You wanted to weasel your way in to make sure I knew that you had control over me. But you know what? You don't. I will not give you that power. I will not make myself small for you. I will not bite my tongue and hide my voice. You made your bed, now you lie in it.

- aka...fuck around and you'll find out

Sincerely Yours,Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora