Opening Up

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Harmony and I are just chilling, for once I'm not doing any work. I would, but Harmony put my stuff somewhere and apparently she's not giving it back until a week later. I'll probably find it tomorrow or something. 

Kiara's just lying on my bed sleeping. She must be exhausted after playing "hide and seek" with Kiko for at least an hour and a half-ish. Thankfully Kiko isn't hurt, just terrified, but he'll learn to love her. Kiara was just looking around, she's curious, all kittens are.

One more day until the Welcoming Celebration. As if Harmony's reading my mind she asks about the celebration. "Mel are you excited for tomorrow?" She asks me, "I guess" I answer, It is cool, but nothing new.

"You okay?" She asks me, "Yeah, it's I've already been to the welcoming celebration before. Don't get me wrong, it's great and they put a lot of effort, It's just, it's mainly to welcome students like you. First years who get to experience college" I explain, "Other students are just there."

"Yeah but it's still fun! We get to dress up, do activities, hang out with the boys from Red Fountain, have a sleepover, and perform" "Yeah I know, It'll be one heck of a day tomorrow" I tell her, "Yep!" "And the best part is we can do it together!" She adds. "I guess so" I answer.

Harmony goes on to ask about the classes we have, cafeteria food, different types of villains, she is way more energetic than usual, this entire week she's had so much energy, probably because she's excited about her first week at Alfea.

As she continues talking a spot a dove perched on the window. Of course he would do that. I remember Helia teaching him how to do it. That was a long time ago though. I roll my eyes smiling to myself. "Harm I have to go," I say interrupting her, "Oh okay!" She says understandingly.

"Come on you can come too, I'm just going to Red Fountain, that's all," I tell her. "Cool!" I grab my bag as I notice the dove has a note attached to its leg. "Harm why don't you go get your stuff, I just need to get something real quick," I tell her, she shrugs. Thank goodness I have such an understanding sister.

I open the window and pick up the dove, gently taking the note off and unravelling it.

Hey Stranger,

Just kidding. Hey Lune. How are you? I know I could have sent you a text, but this is more fun. I hear you've been working a ton in the past few days, I'll meet you at you know where. Also, bring the girls to Red Fountain so we can all hang out. 

xo, Heron

I remember the nicknames we used to give each other, it was just something cool we would do. Mine is Lunar because of the darkness, and moon, and all that stuff, Tyler was Heron, I think because it had something to do with his childhood and Herons. Riven was Raven, and Musa was Synth. It was just this little code thing that we had between the four of us. Not even Helia or Harmony knew about it.

I grab my bag and exit my room, Harmony's already waiting for me by the kitchen, "Ready to go?" I ask her, "Yep!" She replies, "Great, also, we should probably bring the girls, to turn it into a group hangout," I tell her, "Totally!" She agrees. "Girls! We're going to Red Fountain" I call to them, "Get your things!" Harmony adds.

I give Harmony a high five as we wait for the girls to get ready. "Ready everyone?" I ask once everyone comes out of their dorms, "Yep" Dessa replies, "Thank goodness we were all in the dorm, imagine us having to call someone because they were out" Kayla says, "That would be funny" Trinity says, "That's also true I guess" Kayla agrees. 

We chat for a few minutes before leaving the dorm and heading to Red Fountain. When we arrive, I let the girls go find the boys while I go to the secret area near Red Fountain. Not many people know about it.

Search For A Secret - Sequel To Hidden SiblingsWhere stories live. Discover now