Eren x Reader

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My heart raced, it felt like my lungs wanted to collapse, and my sprained ankle didn't help any. I found a dead tree trunk, so I decided to hide. I knew it wouldn't help my situation any, but I could only try. The loud running stopped, the crunching continued. It got closer, I could hear my own heart beat, it felt like it was sitting in my stomach.

The sound of panting told me that thing, the Titan, it was close to me. The next thing I see, the titan is lying on the ground, the hot steam emerging from it. What killed it? Who killed it? My question was answered when I looked outside the tree trunk.

He continued killing them, one by one. I've heard of this one before, though I forget his name. I began calling him Titanboy.

He suddenly looked back and he appeared to be looking directly at me, though I was wrong. He ran towards me, then past me, kicking the dead tree I was hiding in.

He must have felt something was wrong, because when I looked up, he was peering over me. He looked away, looking behind himself, then scooped the earth up from under me

The quick movement and the loud thuds, this time I could breath. I felt closer to the ground, but something was different. The hot steam could be seen above me, so I exited the dead tree. I leaned against it as I sat outside.

"Are you okay?" a strong voice asked.

I looked up to see the famous Levi Rivaille sitting upon his horse. I gave a quick nod, "Yes, but if it wasn't for Titanboy, I wouldn't be."

The boy ran up to Levi and I.

"I know you told me to come right back, but I seen her and I had to help her. I'm sorry Corporal." the boy said quickly.

"Her ankle looks swollen, take her and find Hanji." Levi said in a stern voice.

"Because Hanji knows how to dress an injury?" the boy asked.

"No, because Hanji was the first name to come to mind." Levi spoke.

The boy gave a nod, then helped me up. He draped my arm around his neck, and he wrapped his arm around my waist.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yes, thank you. I've heard a lot about you. You're very famous." I replied. "Though I don't remember your name. So I just call you Titanboy."

He laughed, "It's Eren, Eren Jaeger. But Titanboy works too."

I smiled at him, his voice was so kind. It was calming, as was his smile.

"You won't mind if I try and help, will you?" he asked. "I've been trying my best on helping others who are hurt or wounded."

"If you want to, I don't mind. Actually, just wrap my ankle tight and it would be perfect." I answered.

Eren smiled once more, "Here, sit. I'll grab some gauze from Petra's bag. She's always carrying some.

"Okay. I'll wait here." I said with a nod. It didn't take him very long either. Eren may have been pretty happy to help me.

As he wrapped my ankle, he carried on a conversation. I didn't realize he did it to keep my mind away from any pain in my ankle.

"There, that should do. Feel any better?" Eren asked.

"Yes, thank you." I replied. "You're very gentle too. I not once felt any pain shoot through my leg."

He laughed and helped me to my feet. Eren continued to support me on his shoulder. He truly is a kind soul.

I stayed with the group until my ankle was better. Eren and I would talk everyday about ourselves. We learned a lot about each other, and I think that's what got me in the Survey Corps. Eren and I fight side by side everyday. If it wasn't for him, I'd be dead.

"Hey, ______! We're heading on another expedition!" Eren shouted as he ran at me. He ran into me and wrapped his arms around me tight. "You ready to go?"

I wrapped my arms around him and smiled with Eren. "If you are, I am."

His smile brightened, then he pushed his nose to mine, "Make sure you stay alive, okay."

I giggled at Eren, his nose was pretty cold. "Only if you do." I whispered.

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