Levi x Reader: Blind Date(AU)

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We were having a date that night. The night me and Levi Rivaille got together.

It all started with the two of us fighting that morning.

"I could care less if you like me or not! We both know that you'll find some way to put gum in my hair again!" Levi shouted at me.

"You deserved it! Let it go anyway! That was back in 4th grade!" I shouted back.

"You put gum in my hair last week, you dumped soda over my head three days ago, and this morning you you spread a rumor saying I have lice!"

"Your point?"

"You bully me for no reason at all. Why is that?"

"I don't bully you! It's friendly pain."

"I heard that if a girl fights a guy, that she's hiding something dear about him. Is that true for you, ______?"

"N-No! I dislike you! That's all!"

"So you like me a little bit."

"No I don't!!"

"But dislike me. You don't hate me."

I gave up and stomped away. He's wrong about me, there's no way in hell I'm not going to fall for some guy like him!

** Levi's Perspective **

"I'm not going to get anywhere near that bitch again. I'm sick and fucking tired of her ruining my day!"

___(last name___ does nothing but ruin my physical body. I had longer hair until she put gum in my hair. My hair seems to be the only thing she ever messes with on me.

"Hey Levi!" a familiar female voice cheered. It was obvious who was calling my name.

"What is it Hanji?" I asked.

"I have a super special person that I know you would love!"

"Who is it?"

"Well, your going on a date with her tonight."

"A blind date?"


** Readers Perspective **

"I'm not going on a blind date Mina. I don't know this person, I'm not dating them."

"Ohh come on ______! Just this once, please!"


"Pretty please!"

"Fine!! Just shut up!"

"You don't have to be so mean!"

"I'm sorry Mina. I'm just a little frustrated."

Later that night Mina and Annie took me to the restaurant where my date was supposed to be held. They promised to stay close by incase I was to leave.

I walked to the table that was reserved for me and the other person, wearing a dress I borrowed from Mina. I never really word a dress other than for special occasions. I felt weird.

"No...I'm not staying here with you!"

"This is why I don't trust a word that comes out of Hanji's mouth."

Levi stood up and took my hand.

"We might as well hurry through this date and get it over with."

"I'm not staying here with you!!"

"Can we at least learn more about each other? Try and find a way to get along?"

"I guess that wouldn't hurt, but I'm not looking at you."

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