Marco x Reader (Highschool Au)

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I walked down the hall to my final class for the day. I hated it the most. Chemistry.

Luckily I'm lab partners with my best friend, Marco Bodt. We get playful at times, but it's harmless. He was my first kiss, and I was his. Neither of us really pay attention in our final class, but the teacher doesn't seem to mind at all. I guess all that matters to him is we get finished at the end of the day.

Just as I was about to reach the classroom, I heard a happy voice, my favorite voice.

"Hey, ______! Yesterday you said we we walk to class together. Why didn't we?" Marco asked. "You even promised."

"Sorry Marco. I was trying to hide from Jean. You know how he is when I keep Mikasa's secrets from him." I said in reply to my pouting friend.

"Well next time you better keep your promise. At least we get to sit by each other."

I nodded in agreement, "I'll definitely keep my promise tomorrow."

Marco smiled and pulled me into the class. We sat at out table at the back of the room and began to talk about who we like. Everyday it was somebody new for me, but Marco always talked about the same two people.

"Come on! Just yesterday you told me you liked Eren, and now today you fell for the teacher! ______, what is wrong with you?"

I couldn't help but giggle. "Mr, Rivaille is really cute. He's too old for me to actually do anything with him, but I find him attractive is all. What about you? Find anybody else you might like?"

"Same as always. Though today at lunch- "

"Where were you at lunch today?"

"That's what I'm getting at- today at lunch I sat with Jean. He brought a lunch, but didn't want the sandwich, so I ate it for him and gave him my cookie. He didn't have anything sweet in his lunch...I had to give him the cookie!"

A loud snap echoed through the room. "How many times do I need to tell you two in a week to keep your voices down?" Mr. Rivaille asked.

"Sorry sir. We'll keep it down." I replied. I look at Marco, only to find him giggling. I hit him in the arm and yelled through a whisper, "Shut the hell up! We don't need detention.!"

Marco put his hands together and gave an innocent look. "I'm so sorry ______...please forgive me."

I pushed my hand on his face and he only laughed more. "I told you before not to make that face again..."

"I know, but I can't have my best friend mad at me. Will you forgive me?"

I moved my hand and gave a small nod. He was happy I forgave him. He hugged me and didn't let go until class was over.

Once the final bell rang, we waited behind to let the crowd leave first. We did this everyday, it let us talk more. Half the time we would have a staring contest, but today was different.

"______...?" Marco said softly. "I can tell you anything no matter what it's about, right?" he asked.

"Of course!" I said happily, "Why, is it another secret?"


"Tell me!"

"I like you."

"I already know that. How is it a secret?"

"______, I like you."

I giggled, "Like I just said, I already knew that. We talk about how you have a crush on me."

He growled and grabbed my shoulders. I didn't know what to expect from him. Marco has never really tried anything with me, or anybody at that. He leaned closer to me and pushed his lips to mine, showing his love in one breath.

The kiss broke with both of us panting. Mr. Smith walked in and said that everybody cleared out.

"Are you two okay?" he asked.

Marco wiped his mouth and turned to Mr. Smith, "Yes sir, just fine. We just had a little contest is all."

"What kind of contest?" Mr. Smith asked, sounding intrigued.

We were both worried about him finding out. No more than just a peck on the cheek is allowed on school grounds. Then again, Erwin Smith was the one teacher who let kids get away with it. He was the principle.

"I'm sure it was no contest beings I walk in with you both panting. Just how long did you hold that kiss?"

"It was more like a small make-out session." Marco said softly.

"Luckily Mr. Rivaille didn't find you like this. Get going before he questions you still being here."

Marco grabbed my wrist and pulled me out the room and out the school. He didn't say where he was taking me, then again I had no feeling in my legs.

"You're ok with staying at my place for now, aren't you?" Marco asked. "You're parents aren't even home yet anyways. Might as well have some company."

"Sure, I guess..." I said softly. Marco seemed different already. He had a different look in his eyes, only...he kept smiling.

"My parents are out of town for the week, so I wanted some company anyway."

I tried to pull my arm away from Marco, but his grip grew tighter. "Marco, you're hurting my wrist..." I whispered.

"I'm sorry, I'll let go once we're there. Town is busy during this time of day. Don't want to get separated."

After awhile of being dragged down the street, we walked inside the apartment Marco lived in. It's a nice place when there's somebody with you, and I seen why Marco didn't want to be alone.

Marco closed the door, then quickly locked it. He turned to me and had that same weird smile. "Would you like anything to drink, or a snack?" he asked.

"No thank you, I'm good."

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the short hall leading to his bedroom. He pushed me on the bed then curled up on me....hugging me.

"I like you alot ______, I don't want any other guy to touch you, kiss you, anything that could take you from me." His arms got tighter around me.

"Marco, you're hurting me..."

He unbuttoned my shirt halfway and left a kiss on my chest. I couldn't help but turn red.

"You are mine only, no man nor woman shall take you from me. As long as I live, you belong to me."

I was frozen in place, only staring at the male before me who I call my best friend. The guy that helped me through life problems, the guys I called my brother, the guy who is as close to rape as he can be.

"I love you....______."

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