Levi x Reader

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Hello, my name is ______. I am a member of the Survey Corps. When I was in recruitment I strived to be better than the best. I needed to be the strongest. That was until I learned the THE best was Levi Rivaille. Honestly, I nearly gave up and settled for second. Then I found out that the second best was Mikasa Ackerman. So I stood up tall, took a deep breath, and vowed that I would be a better soldier than Levi Rivaille. By time I became a member of the Survey Corps, I still wasn't good enough. It took forever to finally be able to meet him, which gave me just enough time to train harder than ever before.

I walked up to the door for the first time, knock three times, only to be pushed out the way. Eren Jaeger was running away from Hanji. He was screaming, she was screaming something about tests, and following slowly behind was Levi. The enthusiasm in his voice when he called out to Hanji as she chased Eren was too much to handle.

"No...Hanji...wait...leave Eren alone..." he said with little emotion. "Oh well...she's already gone."

I couldn't help but laugh.

He looked back at me, "What are you laughing at?" His glare made me stop instantly.

"N-Nothing!" I said shakily.

Then the one thing I never thought I'd see...he smiles. It was small, but it was enough to make me smile. "I don't care if you laugh. Eren is pleading for help, I did try my best to stop Hanji from chasing him. It's not my fault she didn't stop."

"You must be this ______ i've been hearing so much about from Erwin. He claims you're better than me." Levi said calmly, his glare returning once more.

"Actually, yes. Yes I am. But I wouldn't say that I'm better than you. Not yet that is."

"Hmph..." He turned away from me. I could tell he was angry about it. "I had the others set up a training run for us. I doubt your better than me, but I would like to see just how good you are."

I smiled again, "Of course, but like I said, I don't think I'm better than you yet."

After some time passed, everybody was in the training area that was set up. We each had another person follow us to count the dummy titans in the forest. I had Gunther, Levi had Petra.

"There are 20 strategically placed titan dummies. You already know how this is gonna work, so is everybody ready!?" Hanji yelled happily.

"Hurry the hell up Hanji..." Levi said grumpily.

"Go!!" she cheered.

I would tell you how quickly Levi took off, but when he's behind you, it's hard to do.

As I came up on my first dummy, Levi suddenly darted past me, and destroyed the first titan. I was upset, but it showed me how much more training I really needed to do, although, it was amazing how quickly he finished it. I took a sharp left, hoping to find more titans. I knew I shouldn't have to worry much about Levi this time because he continued to the right. I approach the next titan with so much speed, I'm honestly surprised Gunther could keep up with me. Within the next ten minutes, I could have swore I took down about seven or eight dummies.

After an hour of searching the forest, we all meet back at the starting area. I was worried. I lost count of the titans myself, so I'm not completely sure how many I got. Levi looked angry, but I guess it could have just been his resting face. It really is hard to tell with him.

"Are you serious!?" Hanji screamed. It startled everybody...Including Levi. She looked at me, then at Levi, then back at me again. She was in complete shock by whatever Gunther and Petra told her.

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