Connie x Reader

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"Connie! Connie!" Sasha cheered.

"What?" Connie asked in response. He did sound pretty down though.

"The newby, ______, is a class act!" Sasha cheered once more. She paused when she noticed Connie's upset look. "You okay?" she asked.

He didn't answer her question, he just turned away from her, running into me.

"Sorry..." he mumbled.

"You okay there? You look a little gloomy." I said softly. I wanted to be friendly.

"I'm fine, it's just something I need to get over. You must be the newby." Connie said with a small smile.

"Yep," I said cheerfully, "______'s the name, don't wear it out."

Connie gave a warm smile, "I'm Connie. It's nice to meet you ______."

"If it's okay with you, can we someday?" I asked. The smile on his face and the look in his eyes told me he felt happy.

"Sure." he said with a true smile. I felt better knowing his mind was away from whatever was troubling him.

Later that night we snuck out to the dining hall. He had asked me to after training. We talked and talked, but not once did he seem upset. He was happy the entire time. He talked about his troubles in life and how he overcame them. I talked about mine, and he offered to help with some of them. I know I had a lot of fun that night.

We snuck a bite to eat while we were there. No harm in a midnight snack.

I continued with telling him about my parents back home, and why I was with the Scouting Legion.

"So, because you got in a fight with your mother, you chose to risk your life for humanity?" Connie asked.

I nodded and smiled, "Mainly because I lost most of my family to the Titans. I apologized to my mother and my father and told them how much I loved them. Then I told them my decision. They supported me completely."

A shadow caught our eyes, causing us to look out the window. We hurried out, nearly causing dishes to fall.

"That was a close one." Connie whispered, "I thought we were done for sure."

"Maybe next time we shouldn't go to the dining hall." I stated.

Connie smiled, "So there will be a next time?"

The happiness in his eyes made me giggle, "Yes, there will be a next time. I had fun."

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and walked into the girls cabin.

I'm pretty sure Connie told the other guys about our "First Date" due to the fact that they would walk up to me and tap their cheek. I still remember the times Connie walked up to me and did the same thing. I could only laugh at him. Then he would pretend to pout and I'd fall for it every time. I'd kiss his cheek and he'd kiss mine.

He's a sweet person. I still can't believe he left Sasha for me.

I love him.

He's cute.

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