Bertholdt x Reader

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I ran after my training partner as he walked down the hall. He was too tall for me to train with, but I couldn't defy Levi's orders. I like my life just how it is.


"______, what's wrong?"

"Do you have any clue on why Reiner laughed about us being training partners?"

"N-No, why?"

I thought it was strange on how Bertl stuttered when he answered me. I mean, it's somewhat normal, but he looked pretty nervous.

"Do you not find it weird that he laughed?"

"I-I do, but why not just push it aside for now. Let's go train."

"Your awfully bashful today, what's up?"

"I don't know what your talking about..."

"Spill it Bertl!"

"I'm not hiding anything!!"

"We'll see about that."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him back to the boys sleeping quarters. He would tell me anything I wanted to here when I cornered him, even more so if I acted cute.

"Come on Bertholdt, tell me what's bothering you."

"I already told you, nothing is. I'm just fine."

"B-But Berty! I-I just want to h-help you!" I covered my eyes and began to fake cry. He always fell for it.

"Nothing ok ______! Please, don't cry..."


"D-Do you want a hug?"

"I want you to tell me what's wrong. I wanna help you Berty!"

"C-Can I show you instead?"

I looked up at the tall male and smiled, "Please! Anything to get you to spill it!"

He bent over, grabbing my chin as he did so, then softly placed his lips on mine.

I jumped back in shock, covering my mouth as well.

"What the hell Bertl!! You can't do that!"

"You said I could show you what was wrong, did you not?"

"I-I did, but I didn't think you were going to kiss me!!"

"That's why he was laughing. I kinda have a crush on you, and Reiner knew about it. He laughed because he knew I wouldn't be able to properly do my training with you."

"Then we'll show him up. Don't show up and I'll say that you gave up. I'll tell Levi about this, and maybe he'll play along too."

"Ok. I hope this works."

I giggled a little then turned on my heel and left the room. I was headed straight for Corporal Levi's office.

I knocked on the door. "Corporal! I need to ask you something."

"It's open."

I walked in and stood in salute. "Today for training, you assigned Bertholdt Hoover as my partner. Reiner Braun laughed and I didn't know why. I asked Bertholdt and after he told me, I suggested we show him up, or get back at him for laughing."

"And you plan on doing what exactly?"

"Bertholdt will stay back in the boys sleeping quarters while I go out to the training grounds. I will tell Reiner that Bertholdt gave up and left. I will need your help backing up the story."

"I'll be glad to help you out. It would have been easier to just tell me that he laughed, but I see you want some fun with it."

"Yes sir."

"Go on ahead, training starts now."

I hurried to the grounds, searching for Reiner. Once I found him, I ran up to him.


"______, where's Bertl?"

"That's what I came to you about! He left after training partners were assigned. He went to Levi and handed in his uniform. All I heard him say was that he couldn't do it."

"Whoa, wait! He left!?"

"You've got to help me stop him!"

"Cadets!" Levi shouted. "Where do you think your off to?"

"Sir, we're going to stop Bertholdt Hoover from leaving."

"I'm afraid that will be impossible. He left this morning and said the he wasn't going home."

"Where is he going then?" I asked, knowing the Reiner would run in another direction.

He grabbed my arm and ran towards the stables.

"Reiner, where are we going?"

"Just trust me on this please, ______!"

"Why don't we check inside first, you never know if he's sticking around."

Reiner sighed and ran inside the building.

"He looks worried about me, doesn't he." Bertholdt whispered to me.

I turned around and hugged Bertl. "He is, but I think he mght be catching on."

"I doubt that."

"BERTHOLDT!!" a voice shouted. It was Reiner, and he sounded angry.

"Reiner, what's wrong?"

"What the hell is wrong with you!? I thought you left!!"

"When you laughed, you made ______ question it. I was cornered by her and forced to tell her."

"But lucky for him, he's always been my type of guy."

"I had lots of fun with this prank, ______."

"I did too Berty!"

"You both make me sick." Reiner growled.

"Isn't that the point?" I asked.

"Will you just shut it and kiss him so he'll stop talking about you all the time."

Reiner turned around and walked off. He was defiantly angry.

"I guess I could."

I pulled on Bertholdt's sweater, pulling him down to my height, then placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Stop being so tall cutie."

"I'll stop being tall when you stop being perfect."

"Oh hush!"

Bertholdt picked me up and kissed my cheek. "Now, shall we get to our training?"

"We shall!"

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