(Male)Hanji x Reader

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"______, I love you."

I couldn't believe my ears. It was bad enough he had me pinned against the wall. My face was flushed and I didn't want to move. The more struggle, the tighter his hands got around my wrists.

~ Five Hours Earlier ~

"Hanji, I have that report you asked
for." I said with a smile. Hanji was always nice to me.

"Ah, thank you ______. Would you like to help me test this titan?" he asked.

"What about Moblit?" I asked. "I thought he helped you with that kind on stuff."

Hanji nodded, "He does, but I let him take a few hours off so he can cool down. Relieve his stress levels."

"Oh, then I'll be more than glad to help you, only if you keep calm and collective."

Hanji smiled at me, "No promises, but it won't hurt to try."

He led me outside and to the captured titan. I had quite a few friends before the whole battle between the Rogue Titan and the Female Titan happened. After that, I could only get one friend. I could only see eye to eye with one person.

"Hanji, why don't you hang out with anybody? You look like you could tons of friends."

He looked back at me, smiling once again. "I have tons of friends, but we don't meet eye to eye like I wish we could. I consider you a friend because you like doing the same things I like. You're smart, titan obsessed, and beautiful."

"What does beauty have to do with it?" I asked.

"Beauty is everything to me. Sorry if you don't like the compliment."

I smiled, "I like it. Thank you."

He smiled back at me. Hanji turned to the titan and his smile grew bigger. "Ready to experiment?" he asked.

I gave a quick nod.

After about two hours of experimenting on the titan, we got lunch, eating in Hanji's office like every other day.

"Why don't you eat with the others again?" I asked.

"You've asked this same question since you started working here with me." He laughed and took a drink of his water. "Well, I feel I can finish quicker when nobody is talking to me, though you are an exception because half the time you're asking questions on my findings."

"Well you're an interesting person too. I like your work and your personality."

After lunch, Hanji made all cadets train, prepare themselves for the upcoming expedition. That took another two hours.

We had an hour for some free time, so we went out to ride horses, then just walk around. I had to admit, I loved hanging out with him. He knew how to just let loose and relax.

While we were walking, my clumsiness chose to show itself. I tripped, falling straight into a small mud puddle. I was pretty embarrassed. Hanji helped me up, although, I didn't want him to wipe the mud from my face or he would see just how embarrassed I was.

"You okay?" he asked.

I gave him a short nod, "Yeah...I'm fine. Thank you."

He smiled at me. I watched as he bent down and scooped the mud into his hands. I could only question what he was doing, but then he answered. He dumped the mud on his head and only laughed.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"So you're not the only one covered in mud. Besides, it's fun. Want to go find a bigger mud puddle and throw it at each other for the rest of our hour?"

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