Jean x Reader: Highschool Parties (Au)

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Jean Kirschstein was one of the jocks in school. He's been a big crush of mine for about a year now. It wasn't until I watched him beat up my best friend, then I drew the line and he broke my heart.

"I loved you for a year! I couldn't confess, and I acted as if I could care less! You hurt my friend! I can never forgive you!"

He was shocked at my words, but I was too upset to notice at the time. I regret ever telling him that.

"L-Love? Like I care if you love me or not!! Its not like your my girlfriend, so what should I care!"

My heart sank. I mean, I should have known that he wouldn't care. This is the first time he's actually noticed me. I walked away, somewhat dragging my friend behind.

A year later, I became a junior in highschool, and I still haven't gotten over what happened. I've tried to avoid seeing him, which worked for about 6 months. Then he found his way into my life once again. Its like he began following me, which I thought of as weird. He said he could care less, yet, it looked as if he truly cared.

"______." Sasha whispered.

She sat beside me in class and we talk alot.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Wanna come to my party tonight? Its for the start of the school year."

"Why are you so happy about that?"

"It's not that I'm happy about it, but more like I'm ready to have some fun. Everybody will be there, and I'll make sure Jean doesn't get near you."

"I guess I could go."

"Awesome!! Be ready by eight, okay?"

"Okay, but I'll have to improvise an outfit. You know I have nothing."

"Just wear whatever makes you comfortable."

"Okay. See ya tonight, Sasha."

The bell rang, signaling the end of the day. I grabbed my bag off my chair and headed out the door. Worst part of my day came fast.

"Hey neighbor." Jean said with a smile.

"Don't talk to me." I snapped.

"Somebody's in a harsh mood, wanna talk about it?"

"I said leave me alone."

With a sigh of anger, I walked away. I still find him attractive, but I hate him with a passion.

Later that night I got picked up by Sasha. I've never really been to a party before, so this will be a new experience. She looked happy as I sat down in her car. I can understand the excitement.

"We are going to play tons of party games. Are you in?" Sasha asked.

"I guess so."

"First game is spin the bottle. You know how to play it?" Sasha asked with a a smile.

"I read up on it. I figured you would choose it. You're hoping to kiss Connie, aren't you."

"I'm pretty scared that he might not want to kiss me."

"I've heard gossip. Rumor has it that he's wanting to ask you out."

"I hope so!!" Sasha squeeled.

A few hours passed and I kissed more guys than I ever will in my love life. I had kissed a few girls as well, but that doesn't hurt me.

"Time for seven minutes in heaven! First up, Bertl and Annie!"

Bertl has had a crush on Annie, but she doesn't see him that way. I can only imagine what will happen.

After 35 minutes of people being pushed into the closet and spending 7 minutes inside, it came down to me being the only person who hasn't went into the closet. Boy was I happy.

"______, guess who's next!!" Mikasa practically sang.

"Your partner is already in the closet, ______." Eren whispered.

Why was Eren helping them? Last I heard, he liked me!

I got pushed into the closet, hitting my head on the shelf inside.

"No lights... Do they hate us?" I asked. All I could hear coming from the other person was breathing. It was kinda hitched, like they were afraid.

"_-______..." the other person whispered.

I knew that voice. It belongs to the one person I hate.


"______, I swear I had nothing to do with this!!"

"I'm not doing anything with you!!"

"______, please, stay quiet. The longer you talk, the longer we have to stay in here. I've never been this close to a girl, so just shut up so we can get out of here."

"Jean, I can't stand being anywhere near you."

"Why not!?"


"Why can't you get over what ever it is that makes you hate me?"

"Because you hurt my friend!! Your nothing but a stupid jock that bullies those who can't defend themselves!!"

"You're still hung up on that?!"

"Like I said, I cannot forgive--"

I was cut off when a pair of soft lips pushed against mine. I wanted to push him off, but I couldn't. I knew that deep down I still liked him, but I didn't know that it was this much.

"Jean..." I whispered.

"Yes, ______?"

"I was wrong."

"It's ok. I love you too."

We kissed again, long enough that we were panting once we parted. I learned a lesson at that moment: Never hold a grudge over something especially since my best friend isn't even angry about it anymore.

I honestly think everyone forgot about us because Jean and I were in the closet for longer than 7 minutes. Though, I didn't care. I was having a makeout session with the coolest guy in school, Jean Kirschstein.



Can I ask you something?"


I felt a finger shove into my side and I exploded in laughter.

"Does that tickle!!" Jean laughed.

Change one sentence because I forgot what the reader's part was angry about. Sorry for that.

Sentence Changed:
I learned a lesson at that moment: Never hold a grudge over something so silly.

Once again, my apologies. >_<

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