Erwin x Reader (AU)

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I got an internship at this local company. It's family run and I've heard that the current CEO is a real hardass. I'm happy that I'll have something this amazing for my resume, but that's only if I survive this internship. Please don't let this CEO ruin my chances...

I walk in through the large revolving doors, admiring the beauty around me. Everything is so clean and pristine! Shiny white black floors that reflect everything above it, a beautifully decorated sitting area with a flat screen bigger than my car. I really hope I dont disappoint so I can keep coming here everyday!

As I walk around, staring at the mural on the ceiling, I bump into somebody, spilling their very hot coffee on the both of us. I scream, they get visibly angry, and I start apologizing profusely.

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention!"

"That much is obvious. Maybe if you wouldn't walk around looking at the ceiling, things like this could be avoided."

This man scares me. He much angrier than need be. Through this entire interaction, he keeps looking back and forth at me and his phone.

"Maybe if you would've looked up from that thing then this wouldn't have happened."

He pauses. He glares at me, fire burning in his eyes. I don't think this current pain is the coffee burns. This hurts...ouch.

"How about you take your ass home and never come back." He's almost growling at me. He looks at his coffee stained suit, then turns around and heads back towards the elevators. As he walks away, he mumbles, "Stupid bitch..."

I glare back at him, "Asshole!"

I sigh, now feeling sticky from the coffee. I turn to walk back outside until I'm stopped by a happy and energetic young lady.

"Hello, you must be the new intern. I'm Petra. Would you like a change of clothes?"

I smile, "Yes and please!"

She gestures for me to follow her. Petra grabs a bag from behind the counter she stands at, then leads me to an employee bathroom.

"This bag has extra clothes for employees at the front desk. There should be something in there that can fit you." she smiles as she hands the bag to me. "Meet me back at the front desk and I'll show you around."

I nod and thank her.

After I finish getting dressed, I look at myself in the mirror. I run my hands down the creases in my sleeves, no wrinkles. The clothes look and smell like they were just cleaned and ironed. I smile at my outfit, now I look even more professional than before.

I grab the bag and make my way back to the front desk. Petra smiles at me as I get closer to her.

"I'll take that. I'm glad they clothes fit you well. I was worried they might be a little big on you." Her smile is so kind.

The phone rings and she quickly picks it up. "Yes sir, they're here now...Of course, I'll send them up...yes sir."

Petra looks at me with a smile, "The Boss would like to meet you. He told me to show you up to his office."

"The Boss?"

"Congratulations, ______, you're about to meet the CEO of the company."

I'm surprised by this. Why am I meeting the CEO? I'm just here for an internship. I follow Petra to the elevators and step in with her.

"Why does he want to meet me? It's not like I'm a permanent employee here." My eyes are glued to the floor numbers.

"He didn't say." She sounds pretty confused too, "But it's best not to question him. Especially right now, he sounded upset. I guess he didn't get his morning coffee."

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