Obsessive!Marco x Reader (au)

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This will not be a typical Character x Reader. I don't know if this will have a happy ending or not. But please do enjoy!

Marco walked towards me, if only he knew how I felt about him. I have several crushes, but he is above all, my biggest. With each step closer, my heart would beat just a bit more. The only problem with me and him being together...he's not 'Popular'.

I don't really care though. I mean, I like him. Isn't that the only thing that should matter? Well when your biggest crush is bullied everyday...it's hard.

Marco is so kind and sweet, and yet people use that to take advantage of him. Whenever I approach him, he says in a quick and shaky voice, "I'm sorry I'm busy right now...please forgive me!" Then he hurried away.

We pass each other, elbows collide. And of course my brute of a friend, Reiner, just has to be with me. I guess lucky for me, he's too worried about his new app on his phone. I'm not sure what it is, but he's been pretty into it. Marco drops everything he's carrying, causing everybody to around to laugh at him.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" he yelps with a terrified look in his eyes. Reiner looks up from his phone after hearing Marco apologize. The anger in him is just annoying, there's no use to it.

"Hey dork, why can't you watch where you're going, huh?!" Reiner snaps. Marco tenses up and begins to stumble with his words. Reiner laughs at Marco's failed attempt to explain, "Haha, freckles can't even say a simple word!" Reiner smirks, then turns and walks away, telling me to follow.

The bell rings for our fourth period, making the halls empty. I stood there as Marco hurries to pick his stuff up. I set mine down, then proceeded to help him with his stuff. He was tense the entire time, but I couldn't help to smile. He stood up with his items in his arms, then I stood with a smile. "You know, you're freckles aren't as bad as everyone says they are. Yeah there's a lot, but they're cute." I say.

His face turned a light shade of pink. He wasn't embarrassed. Well, he didn't look it.

"You didn't have to help me. I could have picked everything up myself." he said quietly. "You could have followed Reiner like he told you to do..."

"Reiner doesn't control me, so why do what he says." I say with a smile. "Come on, let's get to class before we get in trouble."

Marco nodded and stood up, holding his books and wrinkled papers close to his chest. The only down side...we had to walk in opposite directions.

I never did see him again that day, but at least I got a smile from him. He was happy, which made me even happier.

Things changed after that day. I started to see less and less of him every day. Then nothing. I stopped seeing him. I asked around, and everybody said that he was still at school, just like he always is.

About two weeks later I run into Marco. I felt relieved to see him again, but weird at the same time.

"Marco! Where have you been? I haven't seen you in school for awhile now. It like you dissapeared."

Marco smiled, "I've been taking different routes around the school, it's weird you haven't seen me though. I mean, I've seen you plenty, ______, since the last we met."

I smiled right back. "Where would that have been." I said with a giggle.

He paused, as if he were thinking of what to say. "Well..."

He was cut off by none other than Reiner. Just when I would know where I could find him at school.

"______, is this dork bothering you?" he said, obviously wanting a reason to mess with Marco some more.

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