Erwin x Reader (Au)

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The day was long and tiresome. I almost strangled one of the customers at the coffee shop I worked at. Yes, worked. I got fired due to my slight anger issues. I didn't have problems with my anger until I broke up with my jerk of an boyfriend.

I just wanted a little peace, it didn't have to be quite. I didn't care. I mean, might as well make myself happy now that I'm an angry, lonely, woman without a job.

I took the bus to the closest bar or club, I just wanted to drown my sorrows, make myself even more unhappy.

I got off the bus then walked into the bar. I sat at the counter, hoping to be noticed by the bartender. He was too busy flirting with some blonde chick who looked like more than just your ordinary girl.

I looked around, my eyes landing on a rather tall, drunken blonde male.

"He's pretty cute, too bad he's drunk. Besides, he's most likely taken." I said to myself.

"Why do you always come here? There's no point in getting drunk over nothing! Go out, socialize and get a girl!" a black haired male shouted as he walked up to the blonde.

I stood up and walked to the two. "Is everything ok?" I asked.

"Yeah..." the male said, "He just doesn't know how to function without alcohol."

"Oh, well I'm ______, may I ask for yours?"

"Levi, the big doof is Erwin. He's been having a pretty tough week."

"How so?" I asked.

"My dog died, I lost my house to my ex wife, I have no money, I'm a pathetic loser..." the blonde mumbled. "All I want is a happy day in this week..."

"Erwin, just get your big ass up and out of this bar. You're going to give yourself liver problems."

"Maybe it'll kill me."

"Hey now there's no need in thinking like that!" I sat beside the taller male, then placed my hand on his wrist. "Why don't we find something to make you happy, Erwin."

He looked at me, along with Levi.

"You're expecting him to follow a complete stranger around?" Levi asked. "Are you that idiotic?"

"In all honesty, I am. But I'm smart enough to hold my own against someone trying to hurt me."

Erwin set his drink down and stood up, wobbling slightly. "I'll go with you, but you'll have to support me."

I gave a quick smile, "I don't mind." I wrapped his arm around my neck, keeping a bright smile on. "I know nothing about you, so I'm going to take you to random places. Is that okay?"

He smiled ever so slightly as we walked out the bar, "It's fine with me. So long you don't mind my breath."

"A mint should help it, but I don't mind it either. I'm use to it anyway."

"______, is it?"


"Why are you putting yourself in an unknown danger just to make some guy you met in a bar happy?" he asked.

"Because I've had a crappy day. Bad enough I almost choked a customer."


"I worked at a coffee shop."

"You don't work at it anymore?"

"You could say I quit, but that would be a lie."

Erwin laughed. I could only smile and laugh with him. Something about him made me happy. I could only question if he felt happy too.

Snk One Shots.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora