t h i r t y - e i g h t

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t h i r t y - e i g h t

The last few days of the winter break was spent indoors, as a record-breaking blizzard broke through the town, and forced us to spent New Year's Eve at home. Today is the first day of the new year at school, and Jack asked if he could pick me up. It was a little past seven a.m. when I heard the deep rumbling of his car, and I kissed Flynn on the cheek, waving him goodbye.

Now, we pull into the parking lot of a buzzing Homer High School, with students enjoying the fresh air that isn't tainted with heavy snowfall. Jack grabs my hand from across the console, squeezing it in an attempt to soothe me. He knows that I have grown an aversion to attention, ever since I arrived in Homer, what with my mother and such. After months, it has finally died down, but after I posted that picture on Christmas Day, I know that both Jack and I will be the talk of the school, at least for a few weeks.

"I am here for you, Blondie. You and me, always, forever", he looks into my eyes, forcing me to see the determination in his stare. I kiss the back of his hand, and nod with feigned confidence. Fake it 'till you make it. A few students are already glancing over to Jack's signature car, curious to see what is going in behind the tinted windows.

'Your entrance is a double-edged sword, Ophelia. Remember the power you hold in your walk', my mother's words replay in my mind. This somehow, eases my fears and I nod at Jack, signalling him to climb out. He smirks at me, before opening the driver's door. Of course, he looks devilish in his appearance today. A tight-fitting black turtleneck, with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, tucked into dark jeans. His hair is loose and hangs to his shoulders, with the signature gray curl hanging in his face.

I look so contradicting to him, with my baby blue, eyelet dress, white stockings and a white cardigan. Of course, it is freezing to wear outdoors, but the school's heating system works effectively to keep you from developing frostbite, so I will be alright.

Jack opens the door before I can over think it, and offers me his hand. Hastily, I take it like it is the last lifeboat on a sinking ship, and he helps me out of the car. Like magnets, all eyes are stuck on us. Jack smirks as he grabs my hand in a tight grip, and I force my chin up high, allowing Jack to lead me to the main entrance.

As we walk further into the parking lot, my confidence grows and a grin similar to the Cheshire cat grows on my face. I yelp when Jack pushes me forward while holding onto my hand, and twirls me around like a display. I giggle at the action, and he pulls me back to him, planting a kiss on my forehead. That surely will leave some impression on the students of Homer.

We enter the main entrance and pass Alice and Jasper, who is leaning against a locker while holding hands with his girl. I remember being a bit envious of their obvious love, but right now, as Jack follows me to my locker, I am content. I once read somewhere that one should never fall in love with someone who gives you butterflies, because butterflies eventually do die. Instead, you should fall in love with someone who is the calm after the storm. My mama once gave me advice, that I shrugged off at the time, but I can now understand. 

'When you fall in love with someone, don't fall in love with their looks. Looks will eventually wither away. Instead, fall in love with their eyes - eyes never age.'

I don't think she figured I'd fall in love with an immortal, ever-youthful and gorgeous vampire, whose eyes have the tendency to change.

"That wasn't so bad, now was it?", the boy grins as he leans against the neighboring locker, folding his arms together. I will admit, it wasn't. I was overthinking it, like usual. With little haste, I grab some of my textbooks, knowing I will only see Jack in French, which is just before lunch. Where we spent every waking moment together during the break, we'll now hardly see the other during the day. I feel rather nostalgic for the days passed, but know that it is what it is.

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