Chapter 29-alidreamss

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The morning was hectic, alarms going off at five am, signalling that it was time for George's departure, despite the fact that none of them wanted it to be.

All of the brunettes things had been placed into the car and he was all ready to leave the house, physically. Mentally though, his mind was spiralling, he didn't want to have to leave the place he'd learnt to call home in such a short amount of time. Perhaps it was because home was the people, not the place.

The place could be anywhere in the world, but if Dream and Sapnap were there, it would automatically be called his home.

A few tears burned in his eyes as he had to say goodbye to Sapnap, the ravenette not coming with him to the airport because the airport only allowed one other person to come with someone who was boarding a plane. Stupid rules really.

"Don't cry Gogy, you'll see my beautiful face in a few weeks anyway", Sapnap joked, trying to prevent the brunette from crying but not doing a very good job at it as a few salty tears escaped George's eyes.

"Bye Sap", George sniffled out, leaning in for a hug which was automatically reciprocated. They held each other for a few seconds before pulling away, George's eyes downcast as he realised this was actually goodbye for another month pretty much.

Turning around, he made his way out to the car, giving Sapnap one last goodbye wave before he slipped himself into the passenger seat next to Dream. He slunk down in the chair, trying to block out the outside world that would show him getting further and further away from the house he'd spent his last two weeks in.

"Hey George?", he heard Dream speak gently from beside him, "Don't cry, please, otherwise I'll cry"

All George could do in response was sniff, he knew the blonde would be more upset than he was right now if the roles were reversed. Though he was too upset to make a sassy comment and kept his thoughts to himself instead.

The drive to the airport was silent, neither one in the car wanting to acknowledge the inevitable fact that George was going to have left America in about two hours. Soft music played out of the speakers, turned down almost to mute so that the brunette had to strain his ears to hear it.

The gentle melody of Rhinestone Eyes by Gorillaz played through the car, bringing more tears to George's eyes and causing a blur across Dreams vision that he quickly tried to wipe away, not wanting to cause a crash.

Soon enough, the airport came into view, the giant towers and buildings of the runway blocking the view of the rest of the world.

"Fuck", George muttered under his breath, "I'm really leaving"

"Yeah", Dream mumbled out, pulling into a parking space and putting the car in park, "Yeah you are"

They fell silent again, neither one knowing what to say. Just as they'd gotten together, they had to split apart again, it was cruel really. And even if it was just for a short time, they both knew it would still feel like an eternity.

Sighing, Dream opened his door, letting the well known airport scent flood the car, a hit of reality, as if there hadn't already been many.

"I can only stay with you until security", Dream spoke, voice wavering as he did so, "I'm not allowed past there"

"Oh", was all George could muster himself to say, "Ok"

They both climbed out of the car, eyes blurring occasionally causing them to have to use their sleeves to wipe their eyes. The brunette slotted his hand into Dreams, interlacing his fingers where they belonged and squeezing three time.

I love you.

Dream automatically squeezed back the same amount, not letting go on the third and leaving their hands tightly locked together.

They walked with shoulders brushing to drop off George's suitcases, watching as the bags travelled down the conveyor belt and away from where they stood. It was as though everything was reminding them of how in about half an hour, George would also be leaving, similar to the suitcase.

"Security's next", Dream mumbled to no one, beginning to lead him and George to where they needed to be. As much as he wanted to have a huge goodbye, he didn't want to drag it out for longer than was necessary, it would only make it hurt more.

George nodded in return, sensing Dreams want to get to security as soon as possible, probably a way to make it hurt less.

They walked in silence again, feet taking them to where they needed to be without any words exchanged.

It only took five minutes before they were there, waiting in a long queue to be allowed through the security checks. George had thrown his plastic water bottle away, not being allowed liquids on the plane much to his disappointment. In his eyes it was just another way for aeroplane staff to make a cheap buck, charging people for water which is a bare necessity.

Nevertheless, he doesn't question it and moves on through the queue, Dream by his side as he waits for his turn.

Time moves too fast and before he knows it, George is next in line, about to be scanned and his belongings checked before he gets on the plane.

"I'm next", his voice comes out as more of a squeak than he expected, "I guess I'll see you next month"

When he says it the words taste surprisingly sweeter than he thought they would on his tongue, because in all honesty, a month wasn't that long to wait. However, there's still that hint of sourness that he has to leave and the sweet feeling doesn't prevent his eyes from blurring over anymore than they already were.

"I'm gonna miss you", Dream mumbles out, pulling George in for a hug that's tighter than any hug he's ever given before. He's practically holding on for dear life, as if he'll never let go.

Though, inevitably, as usual, time isn't in their favour and they have to keep on moving, so Dream has to let go. His hands fall down to George's waist, dropping from where they had originally been resting on the brunettes shoulders.

Picking back up one of his hands, he brushes a strand of hair behind George's ear, locking his virescent eyes with the doe ones below.

"I love you", he gives a semi smile, eyes still downcast but a smile nonetheless.

"I love you too", George replies, reaching up and wrapping his arms tightly around the blondes neck, "See you in a month"

He presses his nose up to Dreams so that they brush gently together, waiting for the blonde to give permission.

Dream simply nods subtly before tilting his head to the right and pressing his lips against George's, tasting honey for the last time until next month. It isn't fair that he has to wait so long to feel George's delicate lips against his again, no other partners would ever have to do this. Though he knows it'll be worth it in the long run when he can wake up next to the pretty brunette.

Pulling away sadly, George turns away from Dream, walking into the security area and placing his bags down to be checked.

Waving one last goodbye, Dream watched as George walks away, internally wishing him a safe flight back to the UK.

A/n: Drink water <3

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