OMG I haven't updated in forever but here's a huge chapter to make up for it

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I wake up with a sword above my head. Fredrick, from district eight is standing over me with, breathing shakily. I sit up and he points the sword at me.

"D-d-don't move of I'll k-kill you!"

I look around, everyone is laying in pools of blood. Fredrick is nervously stepping, trying to avoid getting red on his shoes. I think about it for a second, he just killed all my allies. I think of a quick strategy, I was stronger than him. I would kick the back of his knee and he would fall, and then I would quickly kill him somehow. I count down from ten. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. He holds the sword up, shaking like mad. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. I lift my leg up to kick but a metal blade suddenly protrudes from his chest. He looks at it, cries out and falls to the ground. BOOM.

My heart beats quickly, who killed him? Was I next? I look around, the metal was an arrow. I count the dead, Daniel from two, Harriet from eight, but the rest that are dead aren't from my alliance. Where was everyone? I feel somehting go past my head and look at what the arrow hit. A deer lays dead behind me and the rest of my alliance slowly comes forewards. Anna in the lead, Nathan beside her, Maggie and Ryan behind them. Only five of us left in the alliance.

"Are you hurt at all?"

Anna asks, now not so worried about killing people. I shake my head.

"I see your better."

She looks at the ground, as if I should have known not to bring it up.

"Yeah. I sort of stopped being so weak about it."

I stand up, blood soaking through my socks. Anna takes off her shoes and passes me her socks.

"Here. You don't want your feet to get water logged, or blood logged?"

I shrug and pull off my used to be white socks and ring them out. The blood falls on the grass and I change into Anna's. The blood does not phase me, it just reminds me of Tammy laying in my bed with a big cut from falling. They just wanted to see me. I needed to get back to them. But that means that these people, Anna, Maggie, some of my best friends will have to die, just for me to get home.

I squeeze out my sneakers and we leave, the deer is no good because of what it landed in. An ant hill that is slightly taller than me with bright blue ants that almost seem to glow. I look back and see hundreds of ants working together to lift up Harriet's body and take her in so they can eat her. Anna isn't freaking out like she should be. I thought her and Harriet were best friends. I knew I was taking a chance, but I catch up to the group and stand beside Anna.

"You aren't upset?"

"About what?"

She asks, I can see a small grin on the edge of her lips. Why was she trying to hide a smile?

"About Harriet. I mean, weren't you best friends?"

Nathan grabs the back of my hair, but behind Anna so she can't see it. I know what it means. He's warning me that if I upset her I will be flat on my back in a second.

"Everyone thought so, but the truth is, she's stronger than me. I was better at hunting than her, and she always took more of my catch than what was allowed. She just bullied me so much, I pretended we were friends so you guys wouldn't think I was weak."

She lets a tear fall and Nathan lets go of my hair to give her a hug.

"Its alright."

"It is not alright!"

I shout at him

"Did you tell anyone Anna? We could've helped you."

She shakes her head

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