The Avox's Warning

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I go into my room and fall asleep, but I was woken up not long after. I looked and saw that I was being shaken by the avox who's tongue I had seen before.

"What are you doing here?"

The girl put her finger on her lips telling me to be quiet. She signalled for me to come into the hallway. Her face was soaked with tears.

"Whats wrong?"

She pointed to a large bruise near her eye.

"Who did this to you?"

She shrugged and pointed to me.

"What about me?"

she shook her head and drew on the wall with her finger.



She nodded

"I'm in danger?"

She quickly nodded more

"So whats wrong?"

She thought for a minute. She pointed to Rickey.

"Rickey wouldn't put me in danger."

She shook her head and pointed to Rickey again.

"Rickey is in danger?"

She nods

"Is it the Capitol?"

She nodded again

"So the Capitol is going to put Rickey in danger?"

She shook her head and looked sad

"Is she already in danger?"

She nodded

"So how is she in danger?"

She shrugs and points back into the room, she starts walking away so I stop her.

"Thank you."

She smiles and walks away

I go back into bed and look at Rickey. What will the capitol do to her? Why would they do anything to her? She never hurt anyone, she never did anything wrong. Ever. The only time she came hunting is when I forced her to for extra help. It takes me a while to fall asleep. When I do I have nightmares about what the Capitol would do.

Rickey's face was filled with tears.

"Oh Riley"

She hugs me tightly

"You were screaming so loud, I tried to wake you up but you just screamed for a long time. Are you ok?"

I nod

I was having horrible nightmares about the what Capitol could do to Rickey while I was at the games. I felt her shaking me but I couldn't wake up. I dry my tears and go to get a shower. Only nine more days.

I get dressed in the training clothes and get ready. We go down for breakfast and we bump into Jacob on the way.

"I was just coming to wake you two up."

He seems bright and happy today. We all sit at the table that is empty, most of the tributes were up late last night after the meeting. Jacob is chuckling to himself.

"Why are you so happy?"

"I'm just, oh well I'll tell you tonight. Eat your breakfast."

I eat and go to the training center. Nine days. Nine things to try. Axes, arrows, spears, swords, tridends, maces, knots, edible plants, fire starting. All in that order. Today I will train hard on axes. Throwing or just chopping. I go and throw a few knives, there is no one in the room and we are supposed to have supervision. Its just me, Rickey and a room full of deadly weapons.

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