The alliances

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"Hey guys."

I say, I know seventeen of the tributes from hunting. We used to meet in the forest and hunt all day, then split up the food fairly between everyone. One day the girl tribute from one, Ruby, found out and said if we did anymore hunting she'd tell the peacekeepers on us. We still all hunt, but we never meet up in the wood anymore. Eric, the boy tribute from one can't stand Ruby either so we decide we'll all team up and be allies until it comes down to a few of us.

"I don't think we should all be one big alliance. The capitol will try and split us up. That would be dangerous for everyone."

Kelly from district six says

"I think maybe more than one alliance, groups of four or five. We'd be strongest like that."

Daniel from two says.

"but who is going o be in which alliance?"

I ask

"Maybe girls versus boys?"

Anna suggests

"Um, I think a few of the boys should be in the girl's group."

Nathan from five says

Nathan and Anna are girlfriend and boyfriend, even though Ruby cut us off from being a large group, they still keep in touch.

Anna hugs Nathan, I've always looked at Anna as our strong, leader. It was a shock to me when she starts blubbering in his arms. She was always the brave and calm one. None of us have ever seen her like this.

"Its okay Anna, I'll keep you safe."

Nathan says stroking her hair.

Its then that we all go back to our rooms, all of the tributes are shaken and terrified.


I say to Maggie

"Why are all of the tributes twelve and thirteen?"

"The capitol found out that our age group is most likely to rebel. Maybe they found out about most of us hunting. So they sent us all to die."

"Wow, isn't that great?"

I find Rickey waiting for me.

"Are you OK? You look really pale."

I shrug

"The whole hunger games have hit me a once, I don't want to go and fight them. I can't kill a person."

Rickey doesn't say anything, we both knew eventually the games would come, but we chose to no think about it.

"I don't know what to say."

Rickey looked sad now too. The mood has gone droopy and sad. There is a knock at my door.

"Riley? Are you there?"

I recognise the voice. Its Maggie. We were very close and we still meet every once in a while in the woods. I open the door.

"Um, I think that we should decide who will be in what alliance. Because Anna and Nathan don't want to talk to anyone right now."

I remember how protective Nathan was over Anna. Right now, since she's scared he won't let anyone come near her.

"Can I come in?"

I nod and she comes in. Rickey and Maggie have only met a few times when I take her to hunt.

"lets go through all the tributes and think about who should be in who's group."

(This is where you look at the list of tributes)

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