On the train Day 2

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Alright! On the train day 2! I hope you guys like it, but someone might die in this chapter... just rea and you shall see what I mean. (:


We don't wake up until almost noon. A small girl comes in to wake us up.

"Good morning."

I say to the girl

She doesn't say anything back

"Can't you talk."

The girl shakes her head

"Does your throat hurt?"

She shakes her head

"Let me see."

The girl slowly opens her mouth to reveal the most disturbing sight I have ever seen. I small stub where her tongue should be and cut marks all over the inside of her mouth. I have heard about these people before. They are called Avoxes. They get their tongues cut out as a punishment and are forced to serve the tributes and capitol people. I thank her and she leaves, I cry for the girl and feel like throwing up.

Rickey goes to eat, but I stay in the room alone. Sh didn't see it, I wish I didn't see it. Eventually I get out of bed and get a shower, I decided I like some of the buttons more that others so I just use about a quarter of them. There is a huge bump and all of the water spills out onto the bathroom floor. I try to wipe up the mess but it is no use. I leave a huge pile of soggy towels on the floor. While I am getting dressed mom runs inside.

"There you are! I was so worried!"

"What happened?"

"Wait is Rickey with you?"

"No! What happened?"

"The train crashed."


I shout and run out of the room with only pants, socks and a bra on. Mom grabs me halfway down the hall and forces me to put on a shirt, I sprint to the dining cart. When I get there I see that everything is fine, except every dish has been thrown on the floor. Broken glass plates and squished cakes where everywhere. I find Rickey, who has icing all over the side of her face. No one got hurt but i'm guessing the chef will be busy for quite a while.

Rickey laughs at me, my hair is dripping wet and my shirt is backwards. I am so grateful that mom wrestled me into that shirt. Everyone goes to clean themselves up while the avoxes clean up. I try to help but they keep pushing me away. I throw a piece of cake at Rickey and suddenly we are all having a big food fight. Even the avoxes have stopped to throw cake around. When Lavender comes in I tell her that it was so slippery that we all fell and got covered in cake. It was pure luck that at that moment she slips in her super tall heels into the cake. I see the girl avox that woke me up smiled then went back to cleaning. Rickey and I have showers. The showers are twice as long to get the sticky icing out of our hair. Then we have a nap.

Stay up late, eat lots of food, plus a midnight snack, more like a midnight feast then a food fight. I wished that the train ride would take forever. Maybe it will, it did crash after all, I think about what it would be like to live on the train forever. I fall asleep and dream happily about life without the hunger games. I am woken up to the sound of someone humming. I sit up and see a man with snow white hair and tan skin looking through my closet.


The man turns, he doesn't look old. I wonder about the white hair. Then I think about Lavender, but why white?

"Hello, you must be Riley, right?"

I nod and look around for Rickey, she is still asleep beside me.

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